
104 7 10

Hullo hullo everyone.

I hope your good, because im doing fine.

I justed wanted to rant about something.

Ok so, I like posting on TikTok with cosplays of Tubbo or as best as I can with the very little stuff that I have.

So yesterday, as of posting this, I posted on TikTok of me doing a dance and I had my outfit that I wore for the day, which was a green shirt and a Slytherin themed skirt and I made a stupid mistake of, let's just turn this into a cute Tubbo cosplay, yeah you can guess how well people are to me.

It hurts that people have time to comment such hurtful things, im trying to have fun and then I normally get like pretty mean comments saying "stop" or "wtf is this" like, im trying my best, you can'y just go at someone like that, it's just very mean, disrespectful and just very unmotivating, like I wait for those nice comments to like it up or just something nice then I get is a hurtful one instead.

People are just so so incredibly mean, like it just makes me so unmotivated to do anything with cosplay.

If you want to, check out my TikTok page it's Coolmine23, it will be greatly appreciated to maybe leave some nice comments on my posts because people are assholes and just can't seem to be nice and decide to be negative and shit.

K that's all for my ranting.

I'll see you later.

Love you, bye!💕

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