Chapter Six

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𝐴𝑢𝑟𝑜𝑟𝑎 ♡︎

It's been two months. Enzo and I have fucked at least six times. Or more, I've lost count at this point.

I wasn't exactly sure this was the greatest idea anymore. I mean, don't get me wrong Enzo was amazing, and all the built up tension after a long day was finally released.

But I really needed to start focusing on my financial needs. Since Josh and I broke up, my money has been dwindling. Josh and I use to help each other out, so I never really had to worry about money, but now that he's gone, I really need to start focusing on it.

I need to start focusing on myself too.

I had a decent job, I worked with an old friend. She had taken an old building and transformed it into a space of her own, where she decided to teach women how to defend themselves.

I decided to become her first employee a couple months ago and business has been booming. We don't pay a lot for classes, usually only around ten dollars per lesson. We held lessons during the week, and we're closed on the weekends.

I parked my car a couple blocks away from the building. My old friend Lily had texted me early this morning asking me to run over to our workplace. I groggily woke up, got ready and rushed over.

Once I made it to the front door, my eyebrows furrowed. Lily was standing outside the building with sealed boxes sitting at her feet.

"Lily? What's going on?"

Her arms were crossed over her chest, she turned her head to face me and said "Rent's gone up. I can't afford this anymore Aura. I've had to shut it down."


I just lost my fucking job.

"Listen, I'm sorry. I already told everyone else, and all the girls who were supposed to come in. I just can't afford this anymore; I really am sorry."

"Lily, it's alright. Don't stress about it. We can figure something out, but for now let's get you sorted. You have a place to go right?"

She nodded, "Yeah, my boyfriend's coming to get me. I'm so sorry, good luck with everything Aurora."

She started picking up her boxes when her boyfriend Sammy arrived and parked in front of the building. He started helping her out with the boxes, while I just awkwardly stood there staring into space.

Once they were all done, Lily hugged me and left.

I just turned on my heel and walked back down the street toward my car.


"Willow, I need to cut Enzo off."

"But why?" She pouted while giving me those stupid puppy eyes.

"Don't give me that look Will, you know I don't have a choice."

She huffed and turned back to the TV. She had been watching Stranger Things when I walked in and started ranting about my workplace issues.

And Enzo.

As much as I loved his dick, I had to stop. I needed to find a job and stabilize my life. I couldn't even afford my apartment's rent anymore. I am now officially living with Willow.

Willow offered to give me some money, because as she said, 'She has bucket loads.' And it's true, her parents are filthy rich. They're both doctors. They wanted Willow to become one too, but Will never really wanted to go down that path. Her parents accepted her choice and despite her fights with them over money, they still supply her with it. She is an only child after all.

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