Chapter 1 - A mistake has been made

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It was a normal day. I came back from school, I dressed up, did my homework and all. It was all normal, up until I started cleaning the kitchen up. It was my turn to clean up the kitchen that day, so when we were done with dinner, my mother went to her room and my father to the living room. I started cleaning up the dishes - and to be honest, it felt like there was no end to it. I was trying to cheer myself up by reminding myself that I was going to meet up with my friend Lisa in an hour, but it was to no use. Every time I either checked the time or the number of dirty dishes remaining,  time seemed to go even slower. After around half an hour of cleaning the dishes, something really weird happened. I saw a creature from the window. It was staring right at my face. At first, I wanted to scream but I managed to hold it in. I rubbed my eyes to check if I was seeing things or not, and for the first time, I wish I was. But no, it was still there, staring at me. Even though I was a bit scared, I started observing the creature. It was riding a horse-like creature, though it definitely wasn't a horse. Or not any horse I know of, anyway. It looked like a robot rather than a living creature, and so did the creature riding it. Both of them -the horse-like creature and the... thing... on top of it- were covered in really strange designs, as if it was some kind of armour or uniform. What was stranger though, was the fact that these "armour" were completely white, yet their designs were... pink? Hey, what would happen if I were to follow these creatures? Surely it's better than chores, I thought to myself. I just dropped the dirty plate I was holding as gently as I can (if that's even considered gentle at that point), closed the sink and ran towards the door. I almost forgot to take the key, but I remembered it right before I shut the door so I went back and got it. I also got my jacket on since it was rather cold - though, because it was almost nighttime, it wasn't that cold. Right as I was about to shut the door, my father saw me leaving and asked me:

- Hey Sakura! Where are you going? 

- I saw something staring at me through the window so I'm going to follow it. 

-  Are you sure that's a good-

That's when I shut the door and started running because the creature also started running away as soon as I said I was going to follow it. Which means that it knows English? It was rather interesting. But I didn't have time to think about anything. So, I just started running after it. It was pretty fast, so it was pretty hard to catch up to it. Thankfully -and a bit suspiciously- the streets were empty, so there was no one blocking my path. The same was also true for the creature though, and since it was already faster than me it just made stuff harder for me. After a while, the creature changed directions and started going towards the forest nearby instead. I was going to open my phone's flashlight since it was getting dark... And that's when I realized I forgot to get my phone. I came this far, I thought to myself. Surely, I'm not gonna give up now? Those are the kind of thoughts that were passing through my mind while I was chasing down this weird creature throughout the forest. Since it was really dark outside, it was pretty scary as well, but due to the colours of the creature (I still didn't know if they were armour or skin), it wasn't hard to keep track of them even though it was pretty dark outside. After chasing down the creature for so long that it felt like forever, it finally stopped somewhere, so I hid in nearby bushes. The creature that was on top of the horse-like creature got a weird object out (I don't even know where it came from, honestly, it just looked like it appeared out of thin air) that looked like a Rubik's cube. It was really strange though, there were weird symbols on it. The creature squished the cube and -after a REALLY loud noise, like jeez, that must be why it came all the way here to use it- a portal appeared, as you might guess, out of thin air. The creature looked around one last time and then started looking at me as if it was asking me to follow it. I got out of the bush I was hiding in and started running towards them. After the creature made sure I was coming, it hopped in, and I hopped in right after it. I'm pretty sure the portal did close behind me, so I might actually be stuck wherever this portal leads. Soon after I went through the portal, I realized that the portal was open in the air and that horse-like creature can fly. They started flying towards my left, which was what I assume is the west since they were going the opposite way of where the moon was rising from. On the other hand, I was falling down to my death. And there was no scenario that would be at least OK either; I would either die or probably break my legs or wherever I land on. But I decided to go with the second option. Yeah, it would hurt a lot but at least I'd survive, I thought. As I got closer and closer to the ground the thought of the immense pain got more and more overwhelming. But I managed to land on my legs and I fainted a few seconds afterwards due to the sheer amount of pain.

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