Chapter 2 - Wait, you're telling me magic exists here?

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I woke up in a plain room. It looked like a barn, but there weren't any animals around. No hay or anything either. There were crops everywhere, though. I would guess that it used to be a barn but is now used as a warehouse instead. I also realized that even though the pain was gone I still couldn't feel nor move my legs. Right that second, I heard footsteps coming towards me. They were small and loud footsteps as if someone really old was the source of it. What a surprise that I was right. An old lady entered the room. She was walking pretty fast compared to others her age. Though, it took her a few minutes for her to realize I woke up. She first came in with two full bags, both filled with wheat. And then she carefully placed them and checked if everything was in order. Finally, she realized I was awake. "Oh, you're finally awake, dear?" the woman said. Her voice was gentle, which reminded me of my grandma. I smiled and answered, "Yes, I woke up a few minutes ago."  I was still wondering why she helped me or how she even made the pain go away. That was a huge help, to begin with. "Oh dear, if you're wondering why I helped you, don't worry about it. It's the least an old woman like myself can do to help the youth," said the old woman, as if she read my mind. Though, I guess it was probably clear from my face. "Stay still now," the woman interrupted my thoughts. "I'm going to do another ritual to heal you."
"A ritual?!" came out of my mouth unintentionally. The woman started staring at me as if I were to say something wrong. But a few seconds later, her face went back to that sweet face from before. "Tell me, dear," she said, "you're not a local now are you?"
As stunned as I was, I answered her anyway, "Well, I guess you could say that. I came from another—"
Before I could even finish my sentence, I realized she got up. "Wait a few minutes, please," the woman said, and then she closed the door and went somewhere.
I was confused. Did I say something wrong? Who was she anyway? I thought of a lot of negative things about her, let's say, but then I realized even if any of them were true, I couldn't run away or fight back, anyway. Both of my legs are broken. Plus, she went out of her way to help me and brought me here, so surely she doesn't have any ulterior motives? She came back -from wherever she went- after around 15 minutes. She had a piece of paper in her hand. It turns out it was a wanted sign, and the picture was... It was the creature I followed that brought me here! "So I was right," the woman interrupted my thoughts again, "you're yet another poor soul who they tricked and brought here."
I was shocked. Why would criminals bring me out of everyone to this world? I decided to ask her. "If they're criminals, then why did they bring me here, out of the seven billion people living in my world?"
While I was talking, she started healing me while talking to me at the same time. Magic was as incredible as they said because it was amazing. Though, it did hurt a lot when she broke all my bones and made them regenerate. "It's not just about you, dear," the woman spoke while also continuing her healing. "They bring lots of different people from different worlds. They were originally mercenaries who worked for really high prices since they were good at their job, but since they got expelled from the Kingdom of Humans for committing various crimes, they created their own Kingdom and they're bringing people from other worlds to be their citizens. If they refuse, they either kill them, rob them, or just leave them to rot away in the wilderness." "Wow," I tried to speak, but I was so stunned at a point that I was barely even able to speak. When I finally shook it off, I asked her, "So is that what will happen to me too?"                           
"If you don't defend yourself, yes. Though, since you got surprised when I said I was going to do a ritual, I assume you're coming from a world where magic doesn't exist?"
"Yes, in my world magic didn't exist, so this all pretty surprising for me."
"Then, I have a suggestion for you. The kingdom of Elves isn't too far from here. Though most of them hate humans, some do not. Maybe you can learn magic from one of them?"   
"Why elves though?" I asked her out of curiosity. She looked at me with disbelief again but quickly shook it off.               
"Every species are good in a different genre and magic is the specialty of Elves," the woman answered. She quickly added, "Yes, pretty much anyone can use magic, but the Elves are better at it than others."
"So, I should learn magic from an elf?" I asked. Everything was happening way too quickly.
"That is after all just a recommendation," she said, "you can do whatever you want. Though you're going to do whatever you want to do after you're all healed up."

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