18. To Unify (1/2)

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It's 11th of march

I just finished my first class and I don't have internet... I can't talk whith poeple :(

Soooooo here I am writing again.

I will try to make these chapters more detailed and make them decently long, tho I want 6k word chapters it whould take a week easily...
2-4 days for 2-2.5k.... Ok I'll see how much I get




meme day is an official thing for all readers

Every Thursday and Friday I'll post memes

The memes will be up for just a week so be sure to read them.... Idk lololol


Emperor Belos Pov:

'The day of unity is getting close to us... Soon the human realm will be under my control, soon not even the owl girl be able to stop me...'

I walk downstairs into the room I had kept the portal door in, whitout the portal door only a couple staff can open dimension portals thanks to the titan blood we have, the golden guard beaing a traitor not accepting his punishment and beaing petrified rather switched side.

Once the human realm is under my control.... I will make sure the humans work under us, i will rule over 2 and then 3 4 5 6 and slowly every dimension that ever exists, whith human technology and witch magic I will be unstoppable.

((belos is power hungry))

As I walk in whith Abominations outing things together tho some Abominations can't hold the weight and some are made bigger for the exact reason.

We need reinforced ways of building this, I Will talk whith Dwarfington ((ik Ik)) the construction coven leader and send out scouts to find a special type of artifact told that it can make a witches magic 10 times stronger, failure is not tolerated.

Im starting to notice that... I don't know how the emperor talks... Like he has this "I will slap you if you take my muffin" super angry voice but.... His accent and stuff can't be made into text...

Tho he speaks normally around hunter in the palisman episode

Footsteps are heard and belos puts his mask back on and turns around

"Ah Miss Crystal I take the look for titan blood was"

"A failure"

"Just as aspected, tho you cought the owl girl so I will overlook this small mistake, you may take this as a warning but do make sure you dont fail any more"

"I understand"

The emperor grips his chest and quickly uses a spell to melt into the ground appearing in a more secluded room, he dosent trust the new right hand lady enough.

While this type of curse slows down the time it takes for him to age it does also make him weaker in this state.

"no one must know of the curse" he says as his hand extends grabing 3 staffs off a shelf and imidiatly breaks all three as the magic inside flows around his arms he takes the mask off and inhales the magic that momentarily stops the pain

"The trees in the human realm do have an ability to mix... If I can inject the palistrom wood into one... I could get more staff made.... Palistrom wood...."

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