Question For Sasuke, Answer For Shino

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Me: We got 2 more reviews people!!!

Sasuke: Is it that scary girl *Whimpers*

Me: *Snickers* Yes.

Sasuke: *Hides behind Ino*

Me: *Sweat Drop* Hide behind me....

Sasuke: *Does*

Lol xD I do love ya Shino~ And Sasuke do you want me to murder you while you're sleeping or something~? *Glare* >:| and danke~! :D

From LucyxH

Sasuke: No!!! *Runs off*

Everyone else: *Sweat Drop*

Shino: *Thinking* Yes, finally! *Out Loud* Thank you Lucy.

Me: ..... *Shocked*

Iruka: Uh, Karrine? *Waves hand in front of my face*

Me: Nya, Vas happenin chap, te?

Kakashi: *Sweat Drop*

Iruka: *Sweat Drop*

Rest: *Chuckling, Giggling, or Laughing*

Me: What's danke?

Rest: .....

Me: Next isn't a question, but it's to Hida-kun!

Hidan: F*cking give me the f*cking question!!!

Me: I said it's not a question... *Fake cries* You're not listening to me!

Hidan: *Freaks out* Ok, what'd she wanna say?!

Me: *Keeps fake crying*

Kakashi: Just read the note.

Oh poor Hidan

From sesshomarumaster

Hidan: What, for Kakuzu? Cause I'm f*cking used to it.

Me: Stop cussing, you'll make this turn R with your f*cking dirty mouth!!! You already bumped it to PG-13....

Shikamaru: Hypocrite....

Me: What'd you say? *Dark Aura*

Shikamaru: I said you look pretty!

Me: Thanks. Now ask questions people!!

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