Mikeys baby part 2

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The head of the baby was already out but all he needed to do now was push one last time."Michelangelo one last push." I said then it was out... The baby boy was out. I rapped it around in a blanket and looked at the baby.


I was passed out for a second but then opened my eyes and saw Donnie looking at me worried then started to cry."Whats wrong D?" looking at him worried as well."I'm sorry Mikey, I shouldn't have gotten deep." he said my eyes widen."Did the baby die?!" I said ready to freak out."No splinter is cleaning the baby its just you where in so much pain and i didn't like seeing you like that." He said leaning down and kissed me on the lips."Congratulations my sons you have a handsome baby boy." Splinter said making us break our kiss, I took the baby in my arms and started to smile he had Donnies skin but my freckles and eyes."Wow he looks alot like his mother." Donnie said kissing my head and looked at Raph."Raph where is Leo?" Donnie said as i looked up and saw only Raph at the same spot as he was before."Oh sorry I'm still processing on what was happening, so what was that?" Donnie said his question again but then Leo came in with his hands behind his back.


I came in the lab with that little friendly test behind me and walked up to the team with a straight face."You ok fearless?" Raph said looking at me worried. "Yah just um... Mikey how much did it hurt?" I said starting to get a little red. "Um... It really hurt but it was totally worth it I mean look at this adorable face." Mikey said holding up the baby so I could see him... he looked so cute."Why do you ask?" Said Mikey with a questionable look."Um... well you see-" I was interrupted by Scarlette running in the lab towards Mikey and Donnie."Mikey, Mikey can I see him, can I see him?" She then runs towards Donnie as he picked her up to let her see there baby boy.


While Leo was looking at the happy smiles in front of him I walked to the back of him and I saw it... A pregnancy test... And it said positive. "YOUR PREGNANT?!" I said starting Leo as he turned to look at me."Um, no... maybe." Leo said looking down at his feet. I then walk up to him and make him look at me."Leo... That's great." I said he looked at me in shock."Wait when did you guys do it?" Donnie said looking at us with a confusing look I then smirk at him."Last night." I said simply, Donnie and Mikey look at each other and start to laugh."Anyways what is his name?" Scarlette said trying to change the subject."OH OH I know a perfect name... How about Nicholas."  Mikey said happily, Donnie smiled at Mikey then at the baby."I like that name." They started to play with Nicholas until Splinter came it the lab. "My sons I will be returning to Aprils, do I need to know anything before I go?" Splinter said, me and Leo looked at each other. "Um yah the baby's name is Nicholas and... I'm pregnant." Leo said holding my hand tightly. "Hum... Very well good luck with the child my sons." Splinter said and left.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Night Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Donnie and me walked into our room as I lied on the bed and Donnie sets Nicholas down on his crib and walks towards me and lays down on the bed. "Remember the day when I confessed my feelings towards you." He said putting his arms around me. "Yah I was being a real bone head." I said looking a little sad but he made me look at him. "Hey you are my bone head." He said kissing me, I kissed back but then he came on top of me as he deepened the kiss and started to rub out lower plastern."D-Donnie I don-t w-want another baby." I said scared. "I know babe I'm just messing around." He then got of off me and started to fall asleep. "Good night boys." He said pulling me tighter and soon we fell asleep.

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