The Past

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Hidding my little girl was tough as I knew I had to show him soon. "They don't get it.... I just wish I was on my own doing my own thing." Raphael said as he ploped on his bed talking about his brothers oviousely."Raph we have to help clean up the mess." Leonardo said as he knocked on the door."But Donnie made the mess not me or you." Raphael said back."Its sensi's orders." Leonardo said as he left."Remind me why I love him." Raphael said to me as he petted my head and walked out the door but slamed it making something break in front of me. "Danielle come out here." I said as I walked over to the substance. "Yes father?" She said in her very young voice."Daddy what is that?" She said hiding behined me."stop being such a weak turtle and go in it." I said demandingly."But daddy." She started to say but I told her now so she got closer and closer to it until I pushed her in because she was to slow. She then started to change as she wanted to scream but she held it in as she turned into a... Mutant turtle.. Yes. I then went in and I started to change but I looked better."Now me and Raphael will become our own team." I said.... Wait sence when did I want that?"What about me daddy." I looked at Danielle as she still looked like a weakling."You mean nothing to me now." Wait what am I saying to her I mean the only reason why I was being mean before was because I wanted her to grow strong like me but me saying those words wasn't right."B-But daddy."I then heard someone coming."Go hide." I said as she obeyed and hide while Raphael came in.
All I heard was talk about starting a new team just them two together,my daddy and his best friend Rafiel.I then heard silance as I took a peak out side."D-Daddy are you here?" I asked getting out of my bidding spot."D-Daddy!" I said as I felt tears in my eyes suddenly the door opened and I saw a weird figure at the door. "D-Da-d?" I said as I started to shake. "Hello my child I will not harm you, no I am not your father but tell me who is." A calm and gentle voice said so I took a deep breath and said."I think my fathers name is named Spike Mr.?" I started to say as I looked down and saw that he had a tail. Then the figure came closer and I could see him. "Mr. Mouse." I said as he started to chuckle."I'm no mouse but nice guess, I am a rat but please call me sensi from now on." He said as he gently pucked me up."Tell me what is your name?" He said as he started to walk out."Danielle.... But I don't want that name anymore." He then looked up then down at me."Does Sofia sound good." I thought about it and shook my head no then out of no were a turtle popped out."Sensi if you are trying to name something always call me." He looked down as his eyes grew very big." SHE IS SO CUTE.....I'll name her... Scarlette." I started to giggle because he was acting like a little kid."Does the name please you." Sensi said I nodded as two other turtles came."Sensi who is this." The blue one said as he looked at me."This is Scarlette... Spikes daughter she must have cotton mutated we will hide her from Raphael until he is ready to know am I clear." Sensi said as the three turtles bowed."Now where is your brother Raphael." Sensi said as he started to look around."He must have gone early for patrol." The orange one said."Then you may leave my sons." The three bowed again and started to run but the orange one stopped."Wait we didn't even say our names." He said as he spined around and looked at me."My name is Michaelangelo but that's to big so call me Mikey." The Orange-Mikey said."Donatello but call me Donnie." Donnie said next as he smiled big."And I'm Leonardo but Leo is better." Leo said last as they started to run of again."And if you see a red bandana turtle its Raphael but they call him Raph." Sensi said as he started to walk some where eles."Don't worry we are your family now Scarlette." Sensi said as we entered a room that didn't have a lot of thing. But now I thought I don't really need my daddy because now I have new family,And I will show spike that I'm going to be a tough girl like he wanted me to be.

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