The Change

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* You and a few friends are in a CH-47 Chinook flying next to a somewhat destroyed enemy compound *

(Yn)'s POV
I was stick in my head thinking about home I've been in Afghanistan for a few months but some feeling don't leave, the last thing I have to remember is me having a big fight with my parents I was finally proud of myself doing something that I wanted to do. I've always wanted my parents to be proud of my achievements but I've never been good enough for them. "Hey Echo You nervous?" Evan asked nudging you with his elbow I take out my ear buds "A little bit Evan." I say. I let out a sigh as I hear my squad leader yell "3 MIKES! EVERYONE UP!" Then one of of the pilots yell "RPG!" And moves the Chinook out of the way causing us to lift off the Chinook floor and slam us into the wall and I see bullets flying through the hull of the Chinook I see Evan get hit in the neck I by one of the bullets passing through the hull "EVAN!" I yell as I get slammed into the wall again then a nother RPG hits the Chinook and I get knocked out by the blast.

*Several hours later*

I wake up on the ground in a forest it was becoming night I see my MK48 on the floor next to me as I get up off the ground I let out a grunt as I get up a tree was next to me I use it to get fully back on my feet. I didn't know where I was observing my surroundings I saw light in the distance got my MK48 and started walking in the direction of the light it was a city I walked into the outskirts of it. I walked around and made it to a shop called "From Dust Till Dawn"
"Hmm, Nice pun." I say to myself as I see some guys attacking a girl that looks a year younger than me as I was about to run to her aid as she pulled out a scythe I stop in disbelief as she finished beating the goons into the ground a guy in a in a old style of British gangster suit with a bowler hat and smoking a cigar with a Cain he points the Cain at her as I get closer to the girl he fires a projectile at her I hear what seems to be a .20mm or a .50 go off I see it flying twords me I drop to the floor real quick as the it flyes past me and explodes. I quickly got up and started running twords the guy in the suit he climbed up a ladder I followed behind once I got to the top and aimed my MK48 the girl lands near me the guy stops and mutters "Persistent" then the guy in the suit gets into a something that looked like a Osprey and turns around and yells "END OF THE LINE RED!" he tossed something at us it lands near her feet he fires at the crystal I drop my gun and tackle her out of the way I look up to see a woman with some sort of symbol shield blocking the blast then how I could only describe as someone magical shit happened I get off the girl in red and help her up and apologize to her and the girl in Red started opening fire on the ship I grabbed my MK48 and racked one in and opened fire as well the.

*Time Skip to the police questioning room*

I took off all of my gear to only be in my combat shirt I let out a sigh I took out two photos and my phone one of the pictures is of me and my parents I had a quote on the back of the picture "You are the one to take hold of your own destiny." The other picture is of me and my friends it had there names on the back "Evan, Carter, Elizabeth, Delilah," I was looking at them as I see the woman from earlier and a man walk in I got out of my seat quickly and went to a salute "Good Evening sir." I say he looks at me a bit confused I go to the position of attention then answered back with "Good Evening, What is your name?" I respon with "(Yn) (Ln) sir."

"Mr.(Ln) where are you from?"
"I'm from (State Name)."
I noticed the once I said that they both where confused to all hell. "I was on a Chinook in Afghanistan we got hit by an RPG and that is the last thing I remember before waking up In the forest not to far from the town." I say looking down a little "hmm what an interesting predicament." he said as he sat down and took a sip of coffee "Please take a seat Mr. (Ln)." I sit down "Sorry for being a bit rude what are your names?" I ask both of them "Ozpin." He answered "Glynda Goodwitch." The woman answered.

"It's nice to meet you Mr. Ozpin Mis. Goodwitch." I say as I sit down "I have a offer for you Mr. (Ln)."
"What is the offer sir?"
"To come to Beacon Academy I was informed of your combat capabilities by Mis. Goodwitch and the girl you tackled to get her out of danger of Roman Torchwich." As Ozpin said tackled I got embarrassed "How is she because the amount of weight I had on me I thought I would of hurt her." I said rubbing the back of my head looking down. "I assure you that Ms. Rose is ok (Yn)" Glynda said I let out a sigh of relief.

"I'll take your offer Mr. Ozpin."
"Please call me Professor Ozpin."
"Yes sir." I say as we shake hands
"Tomorrow we will have a Airship arriving at 9:15 am." Ozpin said as he gets up and walks to the door.
"You're free to go as well (Yn)." Glynda said as she followed behind him I put my stuff back into my pockets and grab my gear and walk out of the police station.

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