Broken Souls Prologue

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=Anti-Void =

"wHIch onE IS nEXt...." Error wondered, hands swiping around to form different portals to look in other AU's.  Luck for now seemed to be on his side, Ink had yet to create another AU.  That meant Error could actually take a short break before he had to pick another to destroy.  So he let the portals die out before looking around at the white and blue strings that surround him.

Surrounded by his puppets and knitting supplies, human SOUL's hanging up on strings adobe his puppets, Error sat down on the white ground.  Slowly his bones relax, creaking and cracking as they finally were able to stop and rest.  Picking a random puppet, Error lifted it to his face and gave a small, sad smile at the small grinning face of Nightmare.

"i WonDEr wHAT kINd oF sANS i waS? fRoM whAt aU?" Error wondered aloud hugging the puppet before it was strung back up in its place.  "dID i hAVe FRiendS?  MayBE i WAS iN lOVe?"

Ignoring the Voices screaming at him in his head, the yelling of how worthless and weak he is with practice that he really shouldn't have,  he picked up his knitting needles and put on his glasses.  He finally had some free time for the first time in a long time, so he took off his jacket and swiftly started making a scarf with some black yarn with sparks.  It reminded him of OuterTale and settling with Nightmare while they watched the stars.

Pain flared up all over his body as he slowly stretched out, but it was normal for Error, so he ignored it.  Flecks of bone, blood, and dust fell off his bones and clothes, but he ignored it.

He ignored the chips and scars all over his arms and legs with practiced ease.  Some looked too perfect and straight to be battle scars, and some looked too deep to be scratches.

He ignored how his SOUL cried out in pain and for help with practiced ease.  But that didn't mean it didn't hurt,  that it didn't kill him every time,  that he didn't care.

It just meant that he was used to it.  That it happened all the time,  everyday.

"i'M kIDdIng mYSeLF....NO onE wOUld bE fRiEndS wIth a GlITCh lIKe ME, lEt aLOnE loVE OnE."

=In the doodle sphere=

"We have to do something!" Dream called out from his side of the table.  "We can't let this go on anymore! "

A bunch of different Sanses and Papyruses had gathered together in the Doodle shere, sitting by one another at a long table.  Because Error wouldn't happen on them here, while they plan.

"And what can we do?!" Edge called out from his seat, fist slamming on the table.  "This is the Destroyer of Worlds we are talkin' about here!"

"Calm down!" Ink stood up to get everyone's attention.  "Yelling and arguing will get us nowhere!  What we need is a plan of action."

"We have done everything we could do....Haven't we!"  Lust told everyone, heart eyes bouncing around to look at everyone.  "What else is there?"

"We have tried almost everything." G!Sans admitted before his eyes sharpened.  "But we have tried to attack all together."

That made everyone froze for a moment, until everyone started trying to talk at the same time.

"How could we even start-!"

"We'll all die!"

"If he kills all of us off-!"


"QUIET" Ink screamed above the others yelling and mumbling.  "Screaming at each other does nothing! "  After a few moments it was silent, the only sound that was heard was Ink heavy breathing.  Watching them all for a moment,  Inky slowly sat back down. "Now then, let us discuss this new plan."

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