Chapter 1

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Please watch this video first before reading it.

You were a thief and the only female pirate of a group led by the famous pirate of the seven seas, Sinbad. You're also his apprentice. Despite your relationship with Sinbad, you always thought of him as an older brother and the others were like a family to you.

Right now, you were on the quest to steal a special treasure, the Book of Peace.

"Gentlemen..." said Sinbad until you cleared your throat right before he forgot about you. "And (Y/n), this is what we've been waiting for. The world's most valuable object is on its way to Syracuse."

"It will be a shame if it'll never get here." You stated, everyone agreed with you.

"After today, we retire to Fiji." Sinbad declared after stealing the treasure from the noble ship.

Everyone cheered as they commenced their plan to steal the treasure.

"Kale!" shouted Sinbad.

"Aye, captain." replied the said pirate as he steered the ship to the other.

"Spike!" commanded the captain.

Spike pushed the lever as the blades slashed part of the enemy ship.

"Let's get rich!" You exclaimed as you and Sinbad first jumped over to the other ship where you fought the soldiers.

After you took down and you noticed Sinbad's last move on the soldiers as he held his dual swords' hilt to the ground as he kicked around them.

"Did you catch that last move? Pretty cool, huh?"

Kale shook his head as he answered, "I thought you overworked it. Just a bit."

Sinbad was dismayed to find out that he overworked it.

"Kale! Look out!" You shouted as you noticed the soldier was about to attack Kale.

Kale blocked the sword by the teeth as he glared at the soldier, much to his shock. Biting the blade, he pulled the soldiers out of the ship into the ocean.

"Oh, and I was overworking it?" Sinbad asked as he became sarcastic after seeing the poor soldier in the water.

And then you noticed a brown-haired man different to the other soldiers you fought before. He was strong the way he knocked out your comrades.

"Whoa, he's stronger than the other soldiers we fought."

"Proteus." Sinbad uttered the name you never heard before as if you realized that he knew that latter.

"Wait, you know him?" You asked.

"This just got interesting," said Kale. "How long has it been?"

Sinbad sighed as he reluctantly answered, "About a lifetime ago."

Sinbad confronted Proteus as you followed him.

"Still fight like an old lady." the captain commented, much to the latter's surprise.


And then, you grimaced as you watched Proteus let his guard down. After that, he shrugged off his enemies and asked Sinbad so many questions for the first time.

Sinbad, however, only answered that he came here for work as he didn't want to answer lot of questions from Proteus.

You used your dagger to destroy the keyhole to the door as you and Sinbad entered inside. Proteus followed suit as you three arrived inside the room as you stared at the glowing light coming out from the book.

Male Eris x Female Pirate ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now