Chapter 4

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During your journey, you noticed snow came and the water began to freeze. What's more, because of the frozen water, the ship was stopped. You couldn't waste your time as you knew you had to hurry before the day of the execution.

With that, Sinbad ordered his men to crack the ice with pickaxes and spears. You wore your winter attire. And then, you heard Spike barking as if he sensed something.

"Spike, what's wrong?" You asked.

You had a feeling that it was quiet, too quiet. You then noticed a flying figure, spreading sheets of snows. You had a bad feeling that maybe it was a gigantic bird. And then, after the flying snow bird flew by, you knew it was just a beginning.

The snow roc ambushed the ship as it came out from the snow rocks. You along with everyone ducked as you stared at the roc. For some reason, the snow roc was targeting at you. Why? You had to be careful as you knew that maybe Eris sent that roc to stop you just like he did with the sirens back then.

You heard Sinbad shouting, "Everyone, back on the ship!"

The whole crew quickly hopped onto the ship and you noticed Jed was the only one lagging. Staring at the roc, you realized that it was about to devour Jed. Jed began to dodge the talons as he dove into the cold waters.

"Jed!" You shouted as you stared at the icy cold waters.

Jed came out, gasping for air and barely clinging onto the ice.

You then quickly took a rope and threw it at Jed, "Grab on!"

You tied it around the pillar, you not noticing the roc was about to snatch you. Marina gasped as she tried to save you from the snow roc.

"Look out!" Marina then shoved you away from the rope, only to be captured by the snow roc.

You hit to the deck and you looked back to see Marina trapped.

"Marina!" You shouted and Sinbad quickly tried to rescue Marina. He grabbed her hand, but when he was dragged toward the edge of the ship, his hand was slipped.

You knew that you had to save Marina after she saved your life. But Sinbad stopped you and said, "You stay here, I'll go rescue Marina."

"Okay. I'm counting on you. Otherwise, Prince Proteus will haunt you in your dreams if something worse happens to Marina. That is if I fail to retrieve the Book of Peace." You replied as if you gave him a little teasing.

Sinbad gave a sarcastic laugh and replied, "Ha ha ha. Very funny."

He began to tie the sandals attached with daggers.

"Rat, don't let the blocks freeze!"

"Aye, aye, Captain." replied Rat.

"And, Kale!"

"Aye!" replied Kale.

"Give me a hug?" Sinbad opened his arms to Kale, much to his shock.

"Excuse me?" Kale was startled as Sinbad wrapped his arms around his bare chest.

You snickered as Sinbad was only "borrowing" Kale's twin daggers. Sinbad took the daggers out from behind and gave Kale a smug. Kale then gave a wry grin, his hands placing on his hips, while knowing that Sinbad was doing this on purpose. He took a shield and he told Spike to prepare the contraption that shoots harpoons. And so, you watched Sinbad flying towards the snow cliff. You silently prayed for his and Marina's safety.

"You better get back safe and sound, Sinbad. And Marina too."

As you waited for Sinbad and Marina, you wondered what happened to those two.

Male Eris x Female Pirate ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now