Chapter 2

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After your meeting with the god of discord, you slowly opened your (e/c) eyes only to cough out the water from your lungs. The crew became relieved to see you okay.

"(Y/n), you're alive!" shouted one of the crew.

Sinbad was glad to see you okay after he rescued you from drowning.

And then, you noticed an Asian pirate saying with relief, "Glad you made it."

You watched him telling his brother about the bet. Something about if you survived and his brother became dismayed that he had to pay him some coins.

"What happened down there?" asked Kale.

You were not sure if it's okay to tell your crewmates about your meeting with a god.

"If I tell you what happened, you won't believe me."

"Try us." Sinbad replied as he urged you to tell them.

So you told him about your meeting a god named Eris. He was somehow taken interest in you. And then...

Kale laughed as he said, "That's a good one! God of Chaos? Oh, I'm writing that down..."

You realized that Kale thought that it was just a dream while you were drowning.

And then, Rat asked Sinbad about the Book of Peace, "So that's it then? No book. Now what?"

"A little patience, Rat. It's not like we don't know where it's going." replied Sinbad.

You and Sinbad watched the ship you saw his childhood friend sheathing his sword.

Proteus was relieved to you safe and sound from harm, thanks to Sinbad. He then told his men to set sails to Syracuse.

You sighed in dismay as you wondered if it was really a dream.

"Hey, (Y/n). What's wrong? Why the long face?" Sinbad asked.

"Am I really dreaming? I did met the God of Chaos when I was drowning to my death..." You answered. "I told you so, you guys wouldn't believe me if I told you what happened."

"Hey, I believe you. To tell you the truth, I never met a god before." he replied.

You smiled as you were glad that Sinbad was the only one who beleived in you. You sighed if it's okay for you to steal the Book of Peace for Eris. What's more, you were not sure if he ever deceived you when delivering the book to him. Whether he will kill you or something more worse as you imagined the result...

You found out that they're holding a royal ball, a celebration of obtaining the sacred treasure. You wore something formal since of course it's a royal ball.

You wore a blue sari attire which you stole it from the tailor shop somewhere in India. That was also where you first met Sinbad and his crew when they arrived. Sinbad was impressed of your skills as a thief and he decided to recruit you as part of the crew. With that, you traveled the world by ship with your crew.

You noticed their looks on their faces as if they were blushing from seeing you wearing something beautiful. You chuckled as you knew that they were embarrassed when seeing you wearing your Indian sari for the ball.

You joined Sinbad, Kale, Rat, and Jed. However, by the time you entered the palace ballroom, you were surrounded by guards.

"You see?" said Sinbad as he spoke to Kale that he told him so, "This is what happens when you use the front entrance."

You chuckled as you watched Spike walking past the guards.

You watched Sinbad making a bet with the guard until you notice Proteus told the guards to put the swords away. Before coming here, you asked Sinbad about his relationship with Proteus. You were surprised to find out that Proteus was the prince of Syracuse.

Male Eris x Female Pirate ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now