Chapter 3 Ready The Feast

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When it got dark out, Sol took it upon himself to pass out all of the food to each person in line. Although he was happy enough to take on the position as well as become the one to make all of the food, it was pretty tiring for him. Walking all day, cooking all day, and feeding this many atheras was taking a toll on his stamina. Even still, he was happy to see that the atheras were enjoying themselves even if it was just for one night.

Passing each their fill as the next person impatiently waited their turn in line. All of the hungry kept their eyes fixated on the food he prepared. Sol was just surprised they were able to keep their composure. Sol's friends were sitting around a campfire chatting with the locals that lived here. The one person he did not see with them was Brook and as he was glancing over in that direction, the last athera finally arrived to get their meal.

Sol tried to put his attention back to the line or at least what was left of it. Of course his friend Brook would be the last person awaiting a meal. "We don't have much left but you're free to help yourself to what ever is here." Sol said to him. "You're right, we don't have much left. What were you thinking?" The tone in Brook's voice sounded angry but this left Sol with a surprised look. He didn't expect his friend to just suddenly act this way but he already knew nothing would get resolved if he didn't ask him what was wrong.

"Is there a problem?" Sol asked him. "Yeah there is actually. How can you just use up all of our food supply like that?" "I didn't use all of it up did I? We should have 20 days worth of food." Sol tried to convince him that everything was under control but once again, what Brook was about to say next just proves once more that Sol wasn't as smart as Brook was, either that or Sol was just stupid. "We have 20 days worth of food for eight people. Not a whole stinkin village!" The color drained from Sol's face as soon as Brook told him that. It just dawned on him how much he just screwed up. He noticed that someone else was just glaring at him and Sol couldn't help but notice.

Krissy was just giving Sol an unapproving and angry stare as if she was thinking the same thing Brook was. Krissy was just sitting around the campfire with everyone else having a good time but the stare she gave him felt so out of place. He looked back at Brook who was getting the rest of his food. "I get that I screwed up but it doesn't seem like you care as much." "I do care Sol. But I can't just tell these guys that they suddenly can't have our food when you already promised to give it to them. I'm eating because I know the food actually belongs to us and it's dinner time." Brook said as he departed from him to join everyone else around the campfire.

As Ella slowly ate her food, she couldn't get that cold stare out of her head. She was sitting around the campfire just like everyone else. There were actually multiple campfires along the whole beach. It seemed like the whole village was having some sort of feast. Everyone was laughing, having a good time, telling stories, and messing around. It didn't take long for Lilac to notice the worried expression Ella had on her face.

Lilac tapped her shoulder and gestured to follow her. Ella quickly ate everything else she had and got up to follow her sister. They were both a little off to the side so that they wouldn't disturb everyone else. "What's up? You don't look like you're having fun." It took a second for Ella to answer. "Well Sol did just waste most of our food supply." That was Ella's answer but that was not the reason why she was uneasy.

Lilac figured this was the case. If it was the case then she would see Ella trash talk him a little more but at some point during the day she hardly spoke at all. Lilac looked at Ella and squinted her eyes as if she was trying to see right past her facade. "No... That's not it. Something else happened." Lilac pushed for the truth and Ella just had to give up and give it to her. "I don't know but... I think I saw this group of atheras earlier that gave me this dirty look. Almost as if they were angry. They got rid of their expressions as soon as they realized I was looking at them. I really don't think some of them even want us here."

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