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Jaxton's POV.

Micah has been extremely quiet the past few days. Even when we were alone, I texted him this morning asking him if he wanted a ride but he said his dad was dropping him off.

Not going to lie. I was a bit worried when he said that, just a few nights ago his father was beating the complete shit out of him.

There was a tap on my car window, I turned my head to see Jay grinning like an idiot.

"You alright man?" He asked as I got out of the car.

"Yeah, why?" I threw my bag over my back, adjusting the beanie on my head.

"You've been staring at the same spot for the last 5 minutes." He laughed.

"Just spaced out I guess." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"I'll see you later." I said walking away, I walked I to the school, scanning around for Micah.

The bell had already gone and we were supposed to be at the hall for an assembly or something.

A small pair of hands slipped around mine as I walked into the assembly hall. I turned my head to see Micah's blonde head.

"I've been looking for you." I said,

"I just got here." Micah signed, not looking at me. I pulled him out of the hall, something was wrong.

"Were supposed to be-" I cut him off by tilting his head up. I let a loud gasp.

"Micah! What the hell happened?!?" I yelled, his lip was split in the corner, there was a faint bruise appearing around his eye and blood on his nose.

"Nothing, I fell." One of my many talents was that I was able to tell when someone is lying and when they're not. This was so obviously a lie.

"Like hell that happened." I muttered pulling him into the bathroom. "Don't move." I mumbled running, paper towel under water, applying it to his bloody nose.

"What actually happened." I sighed, wiping the blood away.

"M-my dad." He whispered.

I fucking knew it.

"He was just angry, I-it's okay." He mumbled

"No, it isn't okay. No way in hell." I yelled, instantly regretting it. Tears slipped down Micah's face, he stepped back a little, shrinking.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled pulling him to my chest. He kept his arms tightly around my torso.

"C'mon, I'm taking you home." He whimpered, "By home, my home." He let out a sigh of relief before I carried him to my car, setting him in the passenger seat. I jumped in and drove home.

Micah had fallen asleep as soon as his head hit my pillow. I sighed and got in behind him, running my fingers through his hair.

My angel.

I hate the fact that his father is hurting MY angel.

Why would you even do that? Beat your own child. That's just fucking sick. I got up and grabbed a packet of frozen peas, I bet Micah's eye was hurting like fuck and his lip. Fuck, his pretty lips.

I walked back in and positioned myself so Micah's head was on my lap, I gently put the packet down on his eye, he winced and tried pushing it away.

"Leave it there babe, it'll help." I whispered. He sighed and looked up at me. I just wanted to scream. Could he get any cuter? Like seriously.

"Jax.." He whispered, I hummed in response.

"Can you eat some ugly?" I looked down at him with the raise of my eyebrow.

"Eat some ugly?"

He nodded, "Yeah, you're too beautiful!" A ridiculous grin spread out on my face.

"Awh baby, I think you're the one who needs to eat some ugly here." I chuckled, pressing my lips to his split ones.

"No I'm ugly already, see I have a split lip and everything!" He whined circling his finger around his face.

"Mi, you're beautiful, just perfect! Even if you have a split lip." I chuckled as he sleepily closed his eyes.

"I love you Jaxypoo!" He giggled. I rolled my eyes at the nickname.

"I love you too bear." I smiled as his eyes fluttered shut and he was back into a deep sleep.

This sleeping beauty will be the one I spend my life with.

I already know.

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