Remus Lupin {Fluff}

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Summary: You knew Remus loved Queen, so much that he'd stop reading a book to get up and dance with you. Even if you used a little blackmail against him ;)
Warnings: None, just some Queen lovin' Remus Lupin smut
Trope: Friends to lovers

'I want to break free' starts playing as soon as you land the needle onto the vinyl and you can't help but start to bob your head to the beat. Remus was sat across the dorm from you, reading his book until he heard the song start.

You stood up and smiled at him before walking over to where he sat and holding out your hands, "Cmon Remus."

He chuckled and shook his head holding his book in both hands, "Absolutely not."

"I know you love this song, dance with me." Your smile grew brighter, wiggling your fingers at the werewolf sat in front of you.

He looked up at your figure, watching how you subconsciously move your head to the beat of the song as well as moving your shoulders a little.

Of course you didn't give up, you needed a dance partner after all. Instead of standing there and begging you grabbed his book and slid the bookmark where he'd finished before turning back to him with the novel behind your back.

"Dance with me and I'll give it back."

"Blackmail won't work (L/n)." He said, standing up slowly watching you as you take a step backwards.

Remus easily stood taller than you by a couple inches, his tall frame leaning over yours. He tried reaching behind your back and snatching his book back but you were quicker than he'd expected.

Thinking to himself he just stood there, looking at you look at him. The smile was still wide on your face as you now moved your hips to the music, mouthing the words with a small laugh.

You danced your way over to your bed, hiding the book underneath your pillow before moving back to Remus, "You know you wanna."

"Queen is very irresistible," he gave in and grabbed your hands, spinning you around listening to your laugh. "Especially when you have a dance partner."

"I've fallen in love." You sung, attempting to spin Remus under your arm but due to the height difference the act was proven very hard- but not impossible. The both of you laughed when his arm couldn't bend a certain way but he managed.

"I've fallen in love for the first time." Remus sung the second line, spinning you more cleanly this time. Your hand fell against his chest, you looked up at him and couldn't help but smile.

You adored the way he looked at you, especially right in this very moment. "And this time I know it's for real." You sung together this time, Remus leaned his head down, leaning slowly into your lips but pushed back when you heard the door barge open.

"You dickheads, you didn't tell me you were listening to Queen!" Sirius barged into the room with Peter and James following his lead.

You and Remus pulled away from each other pretty quickly, the tension sneaking away from whatever was about to happen.

'Fucking Sirius' you thought to yourself whilst looking over to Remus who was already looking at you.

After the song ended Sirius put on another, the five of you danced and sung all night, Queen screaming loudly from your dorm room, dusk 'till dawn.

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