Chapter 1

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It was a cold winter night, elmo thought there wasn't enough light in his city. He slowly pulls out his box of matches, lights one up and burns a hospital down. Elmo slowly walks into the fire and whispers "Elmo loves you arson." Rocko, across the street, sees this sight and begins to shed pebbles, why did he have to find out his boyfriend was cheating on him like this. Rocko stands still trying not to cry as his boyfriend was now cheating. "Fuck you Elmo.." His rockhands balled into fists. Elmo looked at the flames, a lustful look in his eyes. He watched as they went higher and higher. Would it be so selfish to say he adored the blistering feeling? Elmo smiled as the hospital burned to ashes. The fire was his soulmate.

He couldn't look away. His feet felt like they were glued to the ground, and the wind kept him still from moving. His eyes, locked into the flames. Seconds, Minutes went by before he heard the sound of cars, and horns coming towards him. He felt pulled towards the fire. something was pulling him like a magnet attracted to metal. Rocko stares from a distance, he was the one who called out Elmo. He knows that he will confront him tonight. As the piercing sound of sirens came closer, he couldn't help but laugh. Any bystanders were forced to watch in despair as the laughter got louder and louder. He was a villain in their eyes. Rocko then thought to himself "it would be to far to confront him verbally. I will send him a letter." Rocko still loved Elmo, but not enough to be in a relationship. Rocko, stormed away devastated. He starts sprinting, Nothing in mind but the fowl, son of a bitch he used to call his boyfriend. Rocko suddenly opened his eyes to the world around him, and realizes he's no longer on the sidewalk. He's in the middle of the road. A screech and a bang is sounded, and rocko sees only black. Elmo turns just in time to catch the horrifying sight of his soon to be ex boyfriend getting smashed my a cop car.

If it wasn't enough already, Elmo walks to a tree and pulls put another match feeling a sudden purst of energy he lights the tree on fire causing a forest fire. The fire from the building reaches closer to Elmo, almost as if it's calling for him. Of course, Elmo resists the temptation. He's not mad, right? He tries to convince himself. As always, it never works. Elmo has fallen in love with arson. He's reminded by the crackle of the flames around him, and he turns, chasing the fire through the leaves of the forest trees.

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