chapter 3

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Its been a couple weeks since the villian infiltrated UA.

And couple weeks since they found out you do have a quirk.

Since then, you have been staying in a teacher dorm, to protect you from the league.

Thankfully UA kept your quirk a secret and didn't show it to the public, but Aizawa has been training you.

Its been a week and your quirk as gone a long ways. The blood tendrils are sharper, more can come out when needed at a time.

But you hated working with your quirk, every single time, flashbacks of the lab came back, and it scared the living shit out of you. But you never said anything, because you always need to keep up the fake facade.

Because if you didn't.

People would think your weak.

And your not weak.

As you sat in class, watching Aizawa give a lecture, you were sitting in your seat, drinking coffee as you were very tired from your early morning training with Aizawa.

"Come on child! I'm not waiting anymore! Use your quirk!" The harsh man said, tugging on your arm. "No! I want to use it for something else!" You cried as the man's glare deepened. "I don't care! You can think you will be a hero. But. You. Never. Will." He barked out, as his grip on your arm tightened. "They will save me!"

He laughed.

"Why would they save you? They brought you here. Foolish child."

You started choking in your coffee. Tears pricked your eyes. You had totally forgot.

Hero's were the one who put me there..

"Ms. Y/n, are you alright?" You heard Aizawa's gruff voice. "Yes, sorry." You replied quickly as you skillfully pushed down your tears. He gave you a side glance as if he didn't actaully believe you, but went on with the lecture anyways.

As you tried to calm yourself down, you couldn't help but let the all to familiar rage boil up in you.

"Save you? They were the ones who brought you here. Foolish child."

As they day went on, those words repeated in your head all day. You couldn't focus, and you couldn't stand being near anyone.

You might kill someone

You took a sigh of relief as you took a sip of steaming hot tea, yes, you had an obsession with coffee, but tea seemed to lessen the stress.

"Ms. L/n?"

Your eyebrow twitched. "Yes Todoroki? What do you need?" You said threw gritted teeth, moving your attention to the teenager next to you. "Are you okay? You seemed very stressed today." He asked, keeping his monotone face, but you couldn't help but see a flash of pity, and concern in his eyes.

Don't fucking pity me. I don't want pity from some wanna-be hero.

Your eyebrows furrowed the tiniest bit as you plastered a fake smile on your face. "Ah yes, Im fine Todoroki. Thank you for asking."

Not so Romeo and Juliet (Dabi x reader)Where stories live. Discover now