Shot Caller 1 - PEN1

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Jacob was playing Basketball with his colleagues and fooling around, just 24 years old and already a father of 1, and now he wants to do something other than Brokering and hence he played Basketball and in the end, he wanted to be a Biker or Old Schooler, and one day, he sold Stocks by Insider Trading and Other Things and drove home drunk, killing one of his own friends, landing him in jail, Jacob was send to Chino for 5 years, and he had to 85% that time to have a shot at early release and he witnessed the rape of a fellow African American Inmate by other Toads or Afro Americans.

Next Day, he was at a Yard, when he bumped into another Black Inmate and he yelled " just check yourself Peckerwood " and intimated him " MOVE DUMBASS " and Jacob attacked him down and slammed him, causing Prison Guards to come and spray his eyes and take him a holding cell for a few days, and when he came out, members of PEN1 Death Squad approached him and asked him " why you hit that Toad? " And he said " i don't want any trouble, Blacks have always been violent, it appears " and Hernan and Surenoes were also watching, when Hernan came by and said " Hi my name's Hernan " and he introduced the Surenoes, turns out there has been a partnership between Mexican Mafia and Aryan Brotherhood, resulting in many Aryan Brotherhood Members having Mexican Old Ladies (Wives, Girlfriends) and many Mexican Mafia Members having White Old Ladies (Wives, Girlfriends) and they will be making new gun deals and wine deals and needed someone like Money to smuggle heroin for them, best way is via, smuggling it into the pants and using toiletry for it.

Money gave it to Shotgun, and successful, people granted him membership and access to Aryan Brotherhood, Public Enemies and Mexican Mafia, Money joined PEN1 Death Squad and began a riot, where he saved Hernan and Other White Leaders from Black Inmates, killing the inmate who bothered him from earlier, and was caught on camera.

Bottles, Shotgun and Hernan began sending his family, lots of money, Money made love with his wife countless times, during bail and saw his son instead of neglecting them, and he was send to Pelican Bay, where he shared the cell room with a man named Ripper & Redwood, Navy Seals and Aryan Brotherhood Generals, most shocking they were Neopagans and Anti Racist, but Blacks and Asians, plus Nortemoes, and during exercise, Money made Ripper & Redwood friends, one day, a Norteno Attacked Money, where Surenoes, Ripper and Brotherhood Members saw Money hands cuffed kick his ass down, next day, Norteno killed him and send a message to Money, threatening his family, Money became a Norse Pagan, since he's born to Dannish Immigrants where Ripper being of Germanic and Kazakh Origin was also a Neo Viking, and had black friends on the outside.

And The Beast called Money, mentioning " they send Redwood to Death Row after what had happened, it took him four months to get that screw, fuck him, these cops they need to understand that we run the show " Ripper and Roberts know Redwood isn't going to Death Row and it was purely self defence, Money know it and The Beast was playing since he last saw Redwood four days ago, and he was back into his celli, and Money and Beast began working together under a partnership and Roberts became Money's newest best friends, Money used to lift Redwood and Ripper to exercise, in an Alternative Reality, where Death never happened due to Aging, Money with Redwood, Ripper & Shotgun lived in a cell for 2/3rds of the time.

Gun Deals were going to happen, unless Kutcher, and he tried buying Shotgun out, Shotgun told Howie and Bottles, who told Money, to make a fool out of Kutcher and well Kutcher knew it, but before anything, Kutcher got hit by a car and was saved by Bottles and Money, causing him to get into a Coma and the cases were dropped, but Police were thankful of their help to save him.

Gun Deal was just another success.

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