Shot Caller 2 - Howie meets Money

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PEN1 got into Legal Businesses as well like Private Security Firm, Autobody Shops, Bank Guards, Police Force etc and Kutcher recovered and thanked Money for his work done and retired Instead, to show that he's grateful, and finally in the end Ripper, Redwood, Money and Beast were bailed out, and Howie who's a young Afghanistan War Veteran joined the gang and worked PEN1 Gang, and began working on a gun deal, Money met Janie, another girl in her late 20s and Money befriended her and somebody shot at them, Janie saved Howie and Money, and Money with Howie, Redwood, Ripper & Bottles escaped and chased the Assassin and began working after him, and he turned out to be Jacobs Rival Businessman named Rick Metzger, and attacked Money, he was a Serial Killer and tried killing Money's Wife and Son, named Kate and Joshua, and now he called out his own gang, Nazi Lowriders who attacked PEN1 and AB Gangsters, Ripper and Redwood shot at them, and into a shootout, most of them died when the cops came by, and they all escaped and police caught upto them, but Janie testified claiming an attack happened on the party and it was not them, Cops released The Gangsters and using Companies built by Money and Kate, began laundering tons of money, and after asking what happened, Money was joined in by Kate, who too has been a Criminal in her Teens, being rich got her out of jail when Shotgun commented " Daddy's Little Rich Princess " and Kate laughed at it, revealing she's a Wicca, and that Neopaganism and Wicca have been replacing Christianity and Faithlessness too.

Howie being a War Hero, made a plan, since he's clean, barely drinks and smokes etc, he decided to use a War Strategy against Nazi Lowriders, and turned PEN1 into a Biker Gang for a while, and began studying the moves of Nazi Lowriders, meanwhile Ripper and Redwood returned to jail, but they were no longer either Lifers, Special or Death Row, and were send into General Population for the remainder of five year sentences they had, revealing they too like Money are Family Men and that they cared too, especially Ripper.

Money told Kate about an incident where a Norteno Attacked Money, and Both Hands Cuffed fought in, Ripper yelled and Redwood said " RIP THAT FARMER'S HEAD OFF " and two more of Hernans guys yelling " Get that Norteno Homie " turns out Redwood and Ripper went back to SEAL Team 6 and their Private Millitary Company, created by Jacobs Family only, they didn't know it yet, but they saw Jacob again who recruited members of Mexican Mafia, Aryan Brotherhood and Public Enemy Prison Gangs with countless Old Schoolers/Timers and Bikers.

Money gave birth to other kids, and began being with Kate and finally went to jail, where he met The Beast & Rick Metzger, who both got along, but Beast did not trust Rick Metzger one bit, knowing he's not just a Serial Killer, but a Human Trafficker too who sold Underaged Girls to slavery, something for which Mexican Mafia, Black Guerilla Family, Hmong Boys, Sons Of Samoa and PEN1 have him greenlighted and now want him dead.

Meanwhile Howie began making a plan, and used Military Ambushes against Nazi Lowrider and Peckerwood and began killing them, and escaping before the police/cops could ever catch him, as Bottles and Shotgun and Money saved him, where Money pretends to be a Rick Snob asking for directions and one by one, Rick Metzger and Rothchild Gangsters began losing everything even including Gun Deals and Drug Runs, and all the customers entered business with PEN1 who also make Guns and Drugs, manufacturing and distributing them.

Finally Money entered the prison system again and challenged Rick Metzger out, and in a fight, that followed, finally at the end of the day, Rick Metzger was defeated and The Beast and Money went at it where Money Defeated The Beast, asked the two to retire and went to exercise in the cages outside in the sun.

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