Shot Caller 3 - Damian & The AC

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Texan Inmates formed a branch inside Californian Prison System, called ACC, or Aryan Circle California, where Hate Crimes against Non Racist White Pagans, Non Whites and Others happened under their hand, Damian James, was just another rival to Jacob aka Money and wanted him dead too, hearing about that PEN1 and AB and MM asked " just how many enemies you have Jacob? " And Jacob said " too many to count, see we are the upper asholon, and the wealthy, we are bound to have enemies and stuff " and Rothchild attacked them with Guns and killed someone, Howie using Marine Corps Stances shot and wounded him enough for Kutcher who's back in duty to arrest him, Rothchild is a Sex Offenders, Kutcher knocked his door once, when his dealer came home with a 14 year old.

Kutcher wore a Bulletproof Vest, and yelled " hey it's Kutcher, come on you know the drill, it's Kutcher " and he shot him in the chest, as the girl screamed and he broke in and shot the man five times, killing him and saving the girl, Mexican and Trafficked into America, and send her back to Mexico, with now Metzger and Rothchild Attacked down Money and Beast, resulting in another brawl where finally Roberts changed the route and saved everyone.

In the end, Beast agreed to fight Money, Money Defeated Beast and took over Aryan Brotherhood and PEN1, Bottles made him the newest Shot Caller, and they turned into a raid at Nazi Lowriders house and into a shootout that killed everyone Surenoes and Mercenaries kept watch and finally some Cops arrived and open fired and Mercenaries and Surenoes attacked and shot and killed many of them, finally Money was brave and bold enough to call out and challenge Metzger and Rothchild.

In a taught, Rick Metzger was killed by Kate and Janie, after Rick lost to Money, as Money, Ripper and Redwood are also MMA Fighters, Street Fighters and Underground Fighters, and Money finally killed Rothchild in a Self Defence, taking over Jewish Mob, Nazi Lowrider, Aryan Brotherhood, PEN1 & Surenoes after joining Mexican Mafia too.

Money now has more Prison Guards, Border Patrol, Police Officers, Court Judges, High Juries and District Attorneys into his payroll now and Joshua is a Soccer Guy in College.

Money went to exercise again and under Roberts Supervision, Damian opened his cell doors and attacked him, Roberts was left there to watch with Ripper and Redwood, Money slip a Pencil out and cut off an AC Members Feet and stabbed one in the eyes and pushed the third one into the fourth and using Blunt Pencils beat everyone down, and Ripper broke free and saved Money, realising Damien James killed all the other rivals to Money, meant he's angry and escaped jail again, Ripper got released on grounds of good behaviour with Redwood, Shotgun, Bottles, Beast and Hernan, leaving Money alone with some Surenoes and decided to take down ACC by calling ABT down to California to help them.

Kutcher used Cops, Feds, SWAT etc and began raiding the houses of Damian James and his friends, one by one sending them all back to Texas and New Mexico, and deporting them in a way, and now Money and Damian James came across and into a fight where Damian James started it, Money threw/tossed him off the first floor down and broke all of his bones and remembered the first time he had killed somebody in the jail cell for being a rat/snitch.

Damian James was killed by a MS13 Member, under Hernan, and he claimed Self Defence, as he went into his cell, and he was left out, Money is now free of enemies and went back to exercising again.

The End.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2022 ⏰

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