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"Enemies of the heir!" Malfoy yells as he stares at Artemis. "Beware Scorpius! Seems like you're being targeted!" He laughs before turning his attention on Hermione. "You too, Mudblood." He says before taking off.

The professors took control of the scene and told the students to go back to their rooms. She then saw Professor Dumbledore. She slipped into the shadows of the hallways and waited for Dumbledore. She then headed towards his office. Once she was in, she sat in one of the comfortable chairs. Minutes later, she heard the door open. Dumbledor sensed her magical energy before he entered into his office. When he entered, he saw her sitting in one of the chairs.

"Artemis, you need to control that magical energy. You're emitting so much that if any of the students entered, they'll passed out from your energy."

"Sorry professor, I'm too pissed at the moment. That's why I retreated into here because I know you can handle it. That symbol on the wall..."

"You recognize the symbol?"

"Of course. That's symbol is the Scorpius duress symbol or a sign." She explains as she looks at him knowing what he was about to say. "Don't send word out to my father about this. It's not a big deal."

"It's a big deal if it's a duress or a sign of something bad about to happen." He says as he sat down in his chair.

"Nothing bad will happen."

"You sure about that?"

"Yes." She says sternly as they both just stare at each other in the eye, not backing down.

Dumbledore sighs. "You should get back to your dorm. You have classes tomorrow and quidditch. Also, Artemis...don't do anything stupid." He says as a warning.

Artemis bit her tongue. "Alright then." She says as she made her way out of his office.

The next morning, Artemis was sitting next to Hermione in history class. She didn't really pay any attention to it because she wasn't that interested in history. They were talking about a great battle from long ago.

"The head of the Scorpius, Eclipse Artemis Scorpius, delivered the final blow to the adversary."

Her head turned to the professor when he mentioned her family member name. They stared at each other. She was trying to analyze why he was talking about her great ancestor.

"Perhaps, Ms. Scorpius could give us some insight on that battle." He says with a smile.

"Eclipse Scorpius was one of the greatest witches in my family. She was a splendid witch in her time as well. No one could defeat her.... until she was...never mind. That battle was the last battle of her time. She ended the war and that's that." She says as she remembered that she read that her ancestor was betrayed by her best friend in that war and killed her. All because they wanted her ancestor ancient magic. 

"Are you sure that's everything?" He asks, pushing her to tell them more.

"No, more went on in that battle but no one utters a word of what happened." She says as she looks out the window with her chin in her right hand.

"Okay...moving on class..." he started speaking but she cut everything out.

During that period of time, her ancestor fought for witches' rights and not a lot of people liked that. So, she had a lot of enemies, including her best friend. Who had stabbed her in the back in the end, but her best friend wanted what she has. The ancient magic that has been passed down each generation of the head family. 

"Professor? Do you know anything about the chamber of secrets?" She heard Hermione ask right beside her.

The professor sighed and started explaining the history behind it. She didn't care much about it but she watched Hermione take in all of the information. But she started listening in when she heard the word heir...

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