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Artemis walked with Harry, Hermione, and Ron to Hagrid's place. Harry knocked on the door. Hagrid welcome them into his place. He told them to sit down on the couch. But Artemis decided to lean up against the wall with her hands in her black jean pockets. Hagrid pulled out a pot from the fire and set it on the table. He lifted the lid and pulled out a dragons egg. Artemis eyes widen.

"Hagrid? What's that?" Harry question.

"That's a dragon egg." Artemis says walking up to the table to get a closer look at the egg.

The egg started to shake as it begins to hatch. Then suddenly a blue dragon burst out. She roared in its little voice as it burped out fire. The fire hit Hagrid's beard but Hagrid put it out quickly.

"You know Hagrid, your not suppose to have mythical creatures in Hogwarts right?" She says staring at the little creature.

"I know but I couldn't resist the offer of telling him about Fluffy."

"Tell who?" She asked glaring at him when he mention the Cerberus.

"Some guy that had the dragon egg. I couldn't see his face."

"Whose Fluffy?" Ron ask.

"The Cerberus that Dumbledore wanted to protect the stone. I wasn't suppose to say that to you." Hagrid mumble.

Artemis fumed. She glared at him deadly. She crosses her arms.

"The stone?" Harry ask.

"Now that's between Professor Dumbledore and Nicholas Flamel."

At least he didn't say my family name.

"I shouldn't have told you that. Now no more questions!" Hagrid says as he takes care of the dragon.

"C'mom guys we have potions class. We don't want to make Professor Snape mad." She says turned on her heels but glares at Hagrid before she walked out with everyone following her.

They walked to potions class but not in silence. They were talking about what stone it could be. Hermione said that she'll look in the library after class. Artemis stayed out of their conversation. Instead she changed the subject.

"What are you guys going to do over the holidays?

"My parents are traveling so my brothers and I aren't going back."

"I'm staying here." Harry says as she remembers what he told her about his uncle and aunt.

"Understandable," She mumbled. "Hermione?"

"I'm going back home to visit my parents." Hermione says.

"What about you Artemis." Harry asked as all three of them look at her.

She thought for a moment. "I don't know. I haven't gotten an owl from my parents for awhile. I'll have to send them one." She says as she looks forward.

They sat down in potions. She waited for the class to be over so she could send a owl home. When the class was over, she gathered everything else.

"Miss. Scorpius please come here." Professor Snape says from his desk. "I would like to talk to you for a moment."

Artemis look over at Hermione, Harry, and Ron. She nodded her head, telling them that they can go on ahead. They looked at her worriedly as they left. She saw Draco smirking. She closed her eyes and sighed. She walked over to his desk as everyone filed out of the room. Once the door slammed shut, he finally spoke.

"Dumbledore told me to go to you about the stone." He paused to look up at the girl. "Why?"

"You are aware of what my family does right?" She says as he nods his head. "That's why, plus he knows what I'm capable of."

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