Chapter 3: Recovery

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"Goodness Gracious, we've been bamboozled...", Red Hood remarked sarcastically as he dove back to avoid an attack from his and Natasha's attackers.

She briefly glanced at him with a raised eyebrow, to which he shrugged, before they turned their attention back to their opponents.

"Any... idea... who these two are?", Darren asked her between dodges, narrowly avoiding the armored one's sword. "I have a couple guesses, but hopefully I'm wrong...", She replied, trading blows with the masked woman.

"I'll save you both the effort of guessing, considering you'll be too dead for it to matter who I am before long.", the man answered them, striking Darren with the hilt of his sword, then following with a strike with the opposite side's knee to his stomach, knocking him back, immediately closing the distance to attack him some more.

"The anticipation is killing me.", Darren said flatly, during three shots at the attacker, who deflected the first bullet, then dodged the second and third ones.

"I'm who Black Mask, like everyone else sensible with deep enough pockets, called to kill you both, someone who's been causing him far too much trouble. I can only assume the other one fighting your partner, is in a similar situation. Their fight will be a matter of which one is better."

"Didn't really answer my question...", Darren said, taking aim once more, only for his handgun to be knocked away. "Like I said, you'll be dead soon anyways...", the assassin reiterated, slashing another rapid combo at the vigilante, a couple blows actually landing , catching only small parts of his actual body, but the cuts were distinct enough that Darren was aware of them.

With his attacker's earlier remark about Natasha and her opponent, he realized how similar their moves seemed to be to one another's, coming close to being mirrored at times. The second the redhead would land a blow on the woman in the mask, she'd be hit with one right after, and Vice versa.

"I've actually been waiting for an opportunity to face you directly, Red Hood. I've heard about all the things you've done against the various criminal organizations across this country, with little discretion and extreme prejudice.", the assassin continued, almost sounding like he was praising the vigilante.

"Nice to meet a fan.", Darren said sarcastically, pulling his knife from the sheath in his boot with his free hand, and beginning to slash at the armored freak with it, before catching him by an un-armored part at the shoulder, making his opponent stumble for a moment, and taking the opportunity to take a shot at his target, hitting the assassin in a weak point on the side of his knee.

"Hardly, I just wander to know if the rumors spoken about you were exaggerated or not...", the assassin said, before charging Hood again with his sword. The younger vigilante stopped it with the blade of his knife, and they held a lock for a couple moments, each trying to overpower the other.

Meanwhile, Natasha was getting irritated with this mystery woman's refusal to go down, mixed with how oddly similar her moves and counters were to her own. It was clear this opponent was another Widow, as there were some still around operating even after she destroyed the Red Room, but there was something more to this one, something weirdly familiar, and she didn't know what.

"Who are you? You know you don't have to keep this kind of thing up anymore, that part of our world is gone now, I'm sure of it...", she reassured the young woman, as they each tried to knock the other down, even resorting to using their widow's bite's on one another.

Of course they'd both been trained the same, and were tanking the blows fairly well.
"Ty bol'she ne chast' nashego mira, predatel'...", the assassin replied in.

(Translation: You're not part of our world anymore, traitor...)

The masked Widow charged Natasha, and jumped forward to dropkick her in the stomach, sending her tumbling backwards, to recover from it with a reverse somersault, ending up on one knee and hand.
(Basically the pose Yelena makes fun of her for in Black Widow)

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