Chapter 11: Carrier Fight

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"Cayde!... hey, Cayde, get up!... Hood, c'mon, we've gotta get out of here...", the young vigilante came to moments later, feeling a gentle nudging of his shoulder and a stern voice trying to snap him out of it.

Groaning in pain, Darren opened his eyes, blinking rapidly at first, for his vision to look at a rough-looking Nick Fury crouching in front of him. "The hell happened..?", Darren groaned, in a daze as his body ached in several places. "Rogue agents with Barton hit us out of nowhere, took out a turbine.", Fury replied, holding his finger to his ear as he was communicating with Agent Hill at the same time.

"Somebody's got to get out there and patch that engine!", Hill's voice ordered over comms. "Stark, you copy that?", Fury responded in kind. "On it.", Tony's voice came over the line. "Coulson! Initiate defensive lockdown in the detention level, then get to the armory.", the director then ordered, as he hauled the younger man to his feet, the two of them headed out of the lab and elsewhere to where they might be needed.

"Romanoff?", he added, checking for Natasha. "I'm okay...", she replied over the line, her voice sounding strained. Darren wondered where she ended up, and hoped she was alright, in spite of her not sounding so just then.

Fury led the way back to the carrier's bridge, weaving between other SHIELD agents running about the place, also disoriented by the attack. "Barton and the other turned agents will bring us all down if we don't hit 'em first. I want you to head through the ship and take any of them down you find.", Fury requested, "I'm only saying this so you know there's no restriction on lethal force. We still don't know how to snap Loki's victims out of the mind control, and at this point, it's us or them.", he explained.

Darren gave just a single nod of understanding. He followed Fury to the top level of the carrier, likely near where the bridge was, given it was the most valuable target for the enemy to hit.

Having left his 'hood' in the room he'd briefly settled in with the rest of his stuff, Darren didn't have time to run and get it, and instead, grabbed a metallic red device, switched to unfold into a smaller mask from his belt, composed of a red section covering from his nose to his chin, and a black section covering the area around his eyes, and red lenses over the eyes himself.

Having left his 'hood' in the room he'd briefly settled in with the rest of his stuff, Darren didn't have time to run and get it, and instead, grabbed a metallic red device, switched to unfold into a smaller mask from his belt, composed of a red s...

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Once the mask was secure and activated, he drew his guns and ran off into the corridor, ready for anyone that might pop up. But then, something hit him. Quickly ducking into an indented doorway, he raised his hand to the commlink in his ear.

"Fury, I need some way to tell your guys from the ones attacking. Have one of your eggheads in there get a manifest of any SHIELD personnel that have been missing in the days since Loki broke out, cross it with everyone who's supposed to be on board right now, and wire it back through this signal.", Darren requested urgently. "Copy...", Fury replied over the line.

As he waited, Red Hood heard the heavy and rapid footfalls of someone running down the corridor. Briefly ducking his head out of cover and back again, he quickly made out the shape of a man in full combat gear, moving quickly opposite the way he'd been going, headed for the bridge.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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