Feel The Beat

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From The View Of Jude Stiles

So this is it? I stopped and stared at the front of King's High when my Uncle Matt dropped me off. Like everything else that I had seen of this town, it had a vibe. It wasn't a bad vibe but just a different vibe, it was like that feeling that you get when you get to experience something that you never have before and could turn out to be very good or bad. It just had a vibe. Uncle Matt and Aunt Nora never understood when I said something like that but my dad always did. He's the one that got my talking the way that I did, and he was very cool person. He was one of those people that you could go to a CD store with and he would know everything that is there. Every artist, every genre because he doesn't....didn't judge like that. He was so into music and bands that he named his kid after his favourite song. 

Jude Stiles. If a person couldn't guess what band and what song my dad had named me after, I'd tell them and then be worried because who wouldn't know them? It was The Beatles and their song "Hey Jude." It felt so weird to think about my dad in the past tense and the truth was that I wasn't ready to think about the story yet. After moving in with my aunt and uncle, I was now a resident at King's Heights as well as a new Sophomore at King's High. It's not really an accomplishment but the vibe was telling me that it could be. I was also kind of nervous. 

"Come on Stiles, get it together." I told myself. I took a deep breath, squared my shoulders and put on a smile, just like my dad used to tell me and then I walked through the front doors. Inside, it looked like any other high school. There were teens walking through the halls pretty much ignoring me. They hardly stopped to listen to the announcement about going into the auditorium but I did and when it was over, I ran off to find my locker. I'm not very good with directions and so looking at the map that I had received in the mail the other day was like trying to solve a very hard riddle. A riddle like "How is a raven like a writing desk?" Who would even know that answer to that question? Well I do know the answer but it was very hard to figure out that "Poe wrote on both." 

When I finally found my locker, the halls were almost clear except for a few preppy looking girls. I ignored them and worked on my locker combination but they decided that I was interesting. They were pointing at me and giggling so I just sighed. 

"Do you want to tell me what's so funny?" I asked as I turned to them with a smile. 

The stopped giggling and my first impression was that they were the type of girls who acted like chickens when they got caught. There was one brave one though.

"Yeah your wardrobe!" She said.

Wow, that hurt. 

I rolled my eyes and went back to my locker and finally got it open. I put my books inside and kept only what I'd need and ignored the chattering nit wit squad as they walked past me. I laughed to myself in disbelief as one of them made a face at me and slammed my locker shut. 

"This school is going to be fantastic." 

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