044. "Won't look down won't open my eyes"

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19:09 ─❁────────── 19:79

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The people talk, 

they say what they want,❞


          FRANKLY LUCIA HAD NEVER RELIED on Astoria before and was it embarrassing for her but as well relieving, getting the chance to let all her tears. It was satisfying, which made her contemplate whether her mother had been wrong all this time.

She recounted plenty of moments in her life where she was told that crying was unnecessary, that if she were to cry, she would only be exposing herself as this weak little girl... That if she were to cry, she would only be deemed as this failure...

Thinking about it now, although she realised just how much her mother had dictate her life, she never truly comprehended the fact that she also dictated her feelings. Which brought her to another revelation about crying, was it as weak as her mother had told her? Because she was starting to think otherwise.

How had she never questioned about it before? Why did she accepted it so fast without thinking twice of the consequences she would be dealing with herself?

Unlike how her mother had put it, crying felt as if she was letting go of those feeling she had been bottled up. And she didn't think she was done yet.

She began to wonder how she could cry again, because she wanted to do it. She wanted to defy her mother more.

Lucia guessed she had to thank Astoria for opening her eyes a bit.

Astoria Greengrass was a gift sent from the heavens.

It was one the very few that the world did not mess up for her. Surprisingly.

Astoria was indeed one of her kind, especially in times right now. Unlike her older sister, Astoria was kind, compassionate, and filled with colours that were not one bit monotonous, but instead vibrant. It was a bit saddening to Lucia of how little people knew of her aside from the reputation by the colour of her tie.

It was past curfew, and after having bidding Astoria goodbye and escorting her down to the dungeons where the Slytherin common room resided, Lucia made her way up to the Gryffindor Tower, trying not to alert Filch and Mrs. Norris, or even the staffs and prefects that were on duty. It was hard, but she made it back in front of the Fat Lady's portrait unscathed.

𝐢. 𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂 ; harry j. potter ( UNEDITED )Where stories live. Discover now