poor lil orphen M.R p.2

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warning: abuse

to be honest idk where this going but i well write it anyways

a week after the incident with yn and mattheo

the ball was only two days away

yn tried to talk to Mattheo but he just ignored her she couldn't even see him " he was good at hiding " she thought to herself


yn and Mattheo were at court yard playing hide and seek they were in first year and these little shits got lost alot sometimes it was soo bad that students have to look for them with the professor's " ready or not here i come " yn said ready to seek her best friend she looked everywhere that was selected to hide by them so they won't get lost nothing she couldn't find him she even looked at those places that they couldn't be there she began to be worried " Mattheo please where are you im done playing " she said panicking in her voice " theo "she said tears in her throat she panicked Mattheo was the only friend she has at hogwart she had a condition her brain was stuck between her 6 year old self and her 11 year self her life at home wasn't the best she was a half- blood  her mother married a muggle born

her father abused her mother but never her at age six her mother died she could barely handle
on the another hand her father now abused her when she got her letter she begged her father to send her to hogwart somehow he agreed
and there she was she had bad anxiety it was hard for her to make friends and on the another hand her condition Mattheo was her only friend he understood her he related to her alot him being orphan and the son of Tom Riddle nobody want be friend with him well except her because she had no friends and she didn't know he was son of voldmort
when she found out she didn't left because she had no friends but then she got to know him and she realized he wasn't evil or bad it was some stupid rumor over the years Mattheo got a better social life yn did as well and her condition but she was always with Mattheo

( back to first year)

she couldn't find him " Theo " now tears were falling down her face she didn't want to lose her only friend she sat dowm at a couner crying " boo" a voice said she lifted her head up see Mattheo standing there " yn " he said softly when he saw she was crying she got up " Theo i-i though-y-you were gone a-and i was scared " she was barely breathing when she couldn't find theo she thought of her mother how she never came back home Mattheo immediately hugged her " shh it's okay im here i'm not going anywhere " He comforted her when she calmed down " hey im sorry okay " he said "it's okay i was being dramatic " she said giggling " no you weren't it's called panic attack " he explained " what is that ?" she questioned " come let's go to the commen room i well explain it to you there " he said " okay " she said he put an arm her shoulder while walking to the commen room

flashback ended

yn got up she went outside when she saw Blaise alone not alot of student were outside yn had a free period  blaise and Draco had the same class with yn but she didn't got the chance to talk to them it was weird since Draco was with Blaise all the time these days but now he was alone she walked up to him" hey Blaise I need to talk to about something important " she said "oh- he-y y-yn who -m-me " he said " yes Blaise who else is here" she said he cleared his throat " well go on what is it about " he asked " Well it's about Mattheo " she replied " Mattheo-mattheo-Mattheo the Riddle "he said" yes Blaise who else " she said he was clearly getting on her nerves " what is about him" he said " well do know why he didn't want to talk to me anymore did he said something about it to you " she asked " oh-i-i" what's up with you did you forget to talk "she said " no- im totally fine you- why is he ignoring-y-you " he said " wait do you know anything " she asked " well-" he got interrupted by Draco. pulling him back " No we don't know anything " he said quickly walking away "what's up with these guys " she mumbled to her self

" what the hell is wrong with you (a/n what the hell is RON with you😀) " what" blaise argued " you almost told her can't you just keep your mouth shut" Draco scolded Blaise " okay fine sorry but she was the one who was asking me questios " he said " ugh- you what let's just go" Draco said

heyyyy bitches there well be part three i tried to make it two part but it's alot i don't want to be alot okay hope you all like it love you all

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