Chapter 3

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Shirabu walks through the cherry blossom trees, clearly weirded out, and stops beside the largest tree in the field, just where his senpai asked to meet. Semi steps out from behind a tree with one red rose. "Hello." Semi says, "Hello?" Shirabu says, raising one eyebrow up.

Semi walks to Shirabu and passes him the red rose, Shirabu blushes and then looks into Semi's deep, drown-brown eyes. "What do you want?" Shirabu asks. "I have had feelings for you for quite a while now," Semi says, he chuckles and looks away. "And now...I wanna ask you if," Semi hesitates but continues, "Will you be my boyfriend?" Semi says.

Shirabu breathes in and smiles. Semi closes his eyes as he sees Shirabu open his eyes. "I was hoping to ask first," Shirabu says, Semi opens his eyes and looks at Shirabu. His eyes widen and he smiles and pulls Shirabu into a hug.

Semi and Shirabu decided to grow a tree to represent the first day of their relationship, though they both felt cringe doing it, they were doing it together. They got a few experts to help them plant a tree that would be able to grow large. They planted this special tree next to the river bank which was near the field of trees they were near when Semi asked Shirabu to be his boyfriend.

Semi and Shirabu stayed in the large field of pink blossoms until dark. They decide to head home, both so excited for the next day. Even though it was school, the new change was their relationship.


*Semi's POV*

I call Tendou-san to help me in the situation I was currently in.

"HELLO?" a voice yelled from the phone.

"Tendou-san?" I say, there was clearly loud music playing in the room Tendou-san was in.

"SEMISEMI!! WHAT DO YOU NEED?" Tendou yells.

"I need-" I start to say but I'm immediately cut off.


"We were just catching up but talking about Shirabu I'm in a bit of a situation," I say.

"OOH! WAIT! NO, NOT HERE ON THE PHONE. ITS DEFINITELY ABOUT SHIRABU, MEET ME AT *** ******* *!" I hear Tendou yell. I hang up and I start to pack my stuff up.

I arrive at where Tendou wanted to meet and I look around, I see a familiar red-head far, a few meters from me. I jog to Tendou and sit down.

Tendou looks at me and then grins, "Soooo..." Tendou says, "What is this situation you're in?" He finishes. "I still have feelings for Shirabu but I don't wanna tell him because we just met up and we broke up already so I don't wanna make him feel uncomfortable," I heave a sigh "And we're still in university so I don't wanna put any stress on him because he is a med student and many people say that med students mostly focus on their studies before relationships so I don't wanna be a prick." I exhale and stare at Tendou who is staring right back at me.

"How," Tendou begins "It has only been a week or 2 since Shirabu came back to Japan, why do you have so many worries already?" Tendou says, "I just, I thought I didn't have a feeling for him anymore but when I saw him I just remembered..." I say.

"You should just wait for a bit, maybe try meeting up with him some more. You might be able to answer some of your own questions while spending time with him." Tendou says calmly, smiling. "My dating advice is very nice, am I right?" Tendou says in English with an American accent. "If you are wondering, why the English? I am going to America for work experience? I want to become a chocolatier in America after I graduate." Tendou says looking proud of himself.

I chuckle and look at the time, I had band in a few minutes so we decided to pin the conversation and separate. I arrive at the music room and saw that no one was there. I hear quiet American rock music playing from the next room that was mostly used for breaks, I walk in and I see 2 other band members sitting around a bunch of unopened food.

My band consisted of 6 members, _*_, _-_, _$_, _(_, _+_, and me. We mostly perform covers at university festivals. When I first joined in my first year there were at least 25 people in the music club, but we were still friendly with each other.

The next year 3 quarters of the music club had graduated. Some people left since their bands were now small, yet they didn't wanna abandon their band to join another. Then it was just us 6 left.

"Hey, guys?" I say, giving them a look asking what the food was for, "The food is for the 9th anniversary of _=_=_," _*_ says. "Huh," I say, "_=_=_ is pretty old, and well-known in the university. _=_=_ is just under 10 years old, people used to join every year, well, that is until last year when the music club dropped to us, but before this year, _=_=_ never broke up." _(_ explains proudly.

Woah, _=_=_ is older than I thought, they make room for me on the floor near the food and I hurry along the polished wooden floor and sit down. "Soo," _(_ begins "You were kind of in a hurry after our last performance downtown. What was happening?" _(_ asks, raising an eyebrow suspiciously.

My cheeks turn pink and I reach my hand out to a small bag of chips in the pile of food, "Nothing much, just meeting up with an old friend." I say, I rip open the chip bag and start eating. _(_ continues to stare at me before giving in to eat some food.

Soon everyone arrived, _$_ started gobbling up all the food, _+_ being the quiet one ate lollies every now and then, and _-_ ate a few things before exiting and pulling the instruments into the practice room.(drums, guitar, e.t.c)

We practice one of the covers we were going to perform at the next festival before taking a break to drink water, then we continued. Our session came to an end and we head home.

On my way home my phone rings,

*insert phone sound*


|Hello Semi-Kun, this is Ushijima and I just wanted to inform you that Satori is driving straight towards you right now.|


I turn around and I see a bright red Yaris coming straight for me, I scream and hold my hands up in front of me as instinct before I see the car come to an abrupt stop. I see a messy-haired Tendou jump out of the car and a shocked Ushijima slowly step out of the car.

"You do know that was illegal right?" I say, "Of course, I knew...I didn't," Tendou-san says, "Welp, here we are now, it has passed now." Tendou says brushing his hand in the air. "Exactly what did you need me for that made you head straight towards me?" I ask, "Both me and Ushijima have dating advice for you now." Tendou says jumping up and down.

I turn to Ushijima-san and he shakes his head. "Quickly say it because I need to get home soon.", I lightly punch Tendou-san on the arm to give him the signal to quickly explain.

"Shirabu likes you too!" Tendou says. My heart completely drops.

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