Ch 30: Avni's questions

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Avni's phone starts ringing. Karan saw the flashing name ' Neil' on Avni's phone.

Avni: ( on call) Hello Neil...Yeah, I am know you will. You will live for hundred years. I was thinking about you only.

Avni said while Karan stared at her.

Avni: ( on call) Lunch? But currently l am in Karan's office. Can we meet afterwards? What is wrong with you Neil? Tell me the truth Neil, are you okay? Calm down we will meet in the dinner time. Yeah.... Yeah.... Bye Neil.

Avni disconnected the call and Karan gave a strange look towards her.

Karan: Now what happened to Neil?

Avni: Karan l am feeling like Neil is in trouble. He was trying to hide some thing from me but l couldn't guess it.

Karan : Don't worry, every thing will be fine Avni.

Avni: Just hope so

Karan: Avni will you share your truth with me?

Avni gave a confused look towards Karan.

Avni: What do you mean Karan? Explain to me.

Karan : Do you love Neil

Avni: Why.... Why suddenly you are asking me this.... this question?

Karan: Because this question is very relevant for us.

Avni: no... It is not

Karan: Don't lie to me Avni and reveal the truth.

Avni: Karan frankly speaking, l am bewildered and confused. I am just sailing on the boat. I am befuddled about my love.

Karan: Avni your heart beats for whom?

Avni: I..... I.... I....

Karan: Speak something Avni, l guess the answer is Neil.

Karan said instantly while Avni was stunned with it.

Karan: l am your best friend Choco chips, now tell me. Do you love Neil?

Avni : Well love, l can't express it because l am still woolly about it but one thing is sure that l like Neil.

Karan: Do you want him as your life partner?

Avni: It doesn't matter because our relationship is already fixed by our parents.

Karan : Avni you know the best feeling in the world is being with someone who wants you as much you want them. I think l am not fortunate in this case.

Avni : l have already lost my past beautiful memories hence l don't remember anything.

Karan: Avni your eyes always sparkle by hearing Neil's name still you are lying to your heart.

Avni: For a God sake Karan, did you read any romantic novel today? You are actually talking like love guru.

Karan : Always remember that l will always support you in every decision. You will find me in your side in every situation, not as a soul mate but as a best friend.

Avni smiled coyly towards Karan.

Karan: Avni think about your future too.

Avni : Yeah but now l am feeling hungry. Let's order something to eat for the lunch.

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