Chapter 6

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Hi everyone! it's been months(?) since I updated. Please enjoy this chapter!

P.S. Have you read the latest chapter of the manga (chapter 428)? OMG! Why Gray?!


"Is anything familiar to you?" Lucy whispered to Natsu.

"Miss Lucy did you say something?" Capricorn asks from the driver's seat.

"No, I'm just memorizing a song." Lucy lied and smiled.

Capricorn went out of the car and open the door for Lucy. "Capricorn, you don't need to open the door for me, Papa is not here." Lucy says as she went out of her car , the car she never had a chance to drive dew to her unreasonable father.

"As you wish Miss Lucy." Capricorn said and bow to Lucy. "You don't have to do that either." Lucy said getting a little embarrassed because other students are starting to stare at them. Lucy commanded Capricorn to go home pick her up on 4.

After Capricorn left Lucy, she started to walk to and she looked at to Natsu and said "does something ring a bell?"

"Nah, But I feel nostalgic" Natsu said while putting both of his hands at the back of his head.

Lucy sighed, and when she is about to say something to Natsu she was interrupted by someone.

"Good day Miss." Lucy looked at to the owner of the voice. And her eyes met with blue orbs. The girl who greeted Lucy is one inch taller than her, has long white wavy hair, and her bangs is all tied up in a a rubber band, and wears a very beautiful smile that makes her look more approachable, in short the girl is graced with beauty. "Are you Miss Lucy Heartfilia?" the white haired girl asked with a smile.

"She, sure are beautiful, but maybe she's scary when she's angry." Natsu said to Lucy. But Lucy just ignored him, not wanting to be called 'crazy' on her first day at her new school.

"Yes, I am." Lucy said and also returned the white hair girl's smile.

"Well, then follow me." the white haired girl said cheerfully.

On their way to somewhere Lucy don't know, the white haired girl keeps on talking but in what you can call a feminine way of talking , and she also mentioned that she's the one who always helps the principal when it comes to the school activities together with the student council members. The white haired girl also mentioned that she's always the girl who brings the new students of the juniors and seniors to the principal to know their section. When Lucy asks in a polite manner to the girl if she is the assistant of the principal, she just laughed it of and said no, the white hair girl just volunteered herself to help the principal. After the long walk they arrived to a hallway and walk straight to it and at the end of the hallway there's a door that says Principal Mackarov.

The white haired girl knocks at the door and someone inside said "come in" and the white haired girl opened the door, and Lucy is surprised that the Principal is not what you can call tall or average the man stayed on his five year old height. And the principal has white beard and he is bald at the middle of his head but on the sides of his head he has white hair that are somewhat styled.

"I'm surprised that I'm not surprised that the principal is small, I'm supposed to be surprised right?" Natsu said. But the other two, which is the white haired girl and the Principal cannot hear him only Lucy.

"Good morning Master! Here is Miss Lucy!" the white haired girl introduced Lucy cheerfully.

"Thank you Mirajane for bringing her here." the Principal said.

"I'll be taking my leave now." Mirajane said and turns to Lucy. "Nice meeting you Miss Lucy!" Mirajane said and she shakes hand to Lucy.

"Nice to meet you too, Mirajane-san. Just call me Lucy." Lucy said and smiled.

"Oh, if you have time, or want to hang out with me go to my classroom. I'm section 4-A. Bye Lucy! Bye Master!" Mirajane waved goodbye to them and closed the door. "So, her name's Mirajane. Sounds both unfamiliar and familiar." Natsu said while pacing back and fort to Principal Mackarov's desk. Lucy looked disturbed when she sees Natsu walking back and fort to the desk, but she just ignored him.

"Miss Lucy, please sit down first." Principal Mackarov motions at the chair in front of his desk. Lucy then sit down and said "just plain Lucy, Principal Mackarov."

"Just Master or Master Mackarov , Lucy." Master Mackarov said while getting some documents to his drawer.

"Lucy, your section is 3-A. And there are only two sections per level. There aren't many rules here on this school. Just go to school everyday and your teachers would be happy, and also listen to them."

"Luce, remember that!" Natsu said to Lucy. 'says the one who forgot his past'

"Is that all Master?" Lucy asked. Master Mackarov just nods.

"um, Master, why do you like calling yourself Master?" Lucy asked politely.

"Hmm, let's see. It's just that since the time of the very first principal all students here calls their principal Master." Master Mackarov explained.

"Oh, thanks Master." Lucy said and went out to the Principal's room.

When they went out of the room the hallways is already now empty with students.

"Natsu, when I'm in class you have your free time to walk around the campus let's see if something is familiar to you, just come back to me when the bell rings."


When they reached the certain floor for Lucy's classroom, they met a teacher named Macao. Sir Macao told Lucy that he is the homeroom teacher of the class 3-A, and he will introduce Lucy to the class.

Macao entered the classroom first and announced to everybody. "Class, there's a new student, treat her well." Then Macao motions Lucy to enter the classroom. "introduce yourself." Macao said to her.

Lucy looked at the whole class and all the girls are staring at her, admiring her beautiful face, and the boys are just staring at her body dreamily. That ticked her off, but she just let it go and smiles.

"I'm Lucy Heartfilia." Lucy smiled.

"Lucy, please sit at the middle of Lisanna and Levy." Macao said and motions at the empty desk at the right side of the classroom in the middle of a petite blue haired girl, and also a white haired girl who is somewhat similar to Mirajane.

When Lucy is walking to her sit, she heard Natsu said "Don't look at her, you perverts!" Natsu scold at the other boys who keeps on looking at Lucy's boobs. Lucy just smiles that Natsu is being an idiot again, knowing that no one can see him, and thankful that she has a friend who is protective and kind. Oh, how she wish that Natsu is not a ghost.


That's it everyone, Chapter 6 is finished. Don't worry everyone I'll update next week. Maybe two chapters next week?

I don't want to spoil you at the recent manga chapter of Fairy Tail, but I just want to say that Gray is not Gray anymore. That's all I'm going to say at that chapter. I hope almost all of you had read that chapter.

P.S. I'll try to make the other chapters longer here on my fanfic, because what I wrote on my notebook is short and undetailed story of the Ghost With An Amnesia.


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