Does he still work?

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Now truth be told, even though Ben was talking all this shit to his wife, he was scared to be engaged and full sexual activity with his wife. He did not know if he could fully perform or even be able to cum like he used to. They had not had actual intercourse since his surgery. It had been about five months. Of course, he couldn't deny his wife the pleasure of having orgasms, so he made sure his wife was always satisfied, by using his tongue and fingers, He was just unsure about himself.

He still got aroused and he would let Miranda stroke him and start sucking on his dick., but he would stop her from touching his balls and prevent her from making him cum by switching positions and giving her the best head that he could, causing her to have intense orgasms every time. Afterward she would just fall into a satisfied coma.

He did have a prosthetic inserted and you really couldn't tell the difference. The doctors really did a good job. Miranda was understanding, but even though she was having incredible orgasms, she felt bad that Ben was not experiencing the same pleasures as her. Tonight however, could be different he thought.  With all the alcohol he consumed, he was extremely turned on and he thought maybe he actually perform to completion.   He really missed being inside of his wife.

Ben was thinking all of this while his wife was recovering from the orgasm she just had. He was brought out of his thoughts when he felt the bed move. He watched Miranda crawl toward the side of the bed to get off and walk toward the bathroom.

She was stumbling a bit. He did not know if it was because she was still drunk or the effects of her orgasm. He smiled thinking it was the latter.

He heard her peeing than flush the toilet. After couple of minutes. he heard his wife call.

"Baby come here"

Ben got off the bed and drunkenly walked toward the bathroom.

"Yes, my love" he replied as he leaned against the doorway.

He observed her sitting on the seat of the toilet with the top was down, and a towel under her.

"I just wanted to see you".

"You just saw me" Ben retorted.

"No, I only saw the top of your head" as she chuckled.

"And the bedroom is dimly lit" she continued.

"Well, here I am baby"

She pointed her finger at him and telling him to come closer

He walked toward her and stood directly in front of her. Because of her seated position, his hard penis was pointing directly at her face. Miranda smiled and licked her lips

"Baby my face is up here".

"Yeah, but I'm thirsty and my dick drink is right here" she said lovingly admiring his long thick penis

She reached up quickly but gently and took his hard member in both hands.

"How are you feeling?" Miranda said, still not looking at him.

Because of the warmth of her hands, Ben shivered and moaned


She tugged at him a bit and moved her face closer, sticking her tongue out to lick the tip of his dick.

While Miranda was in the bathroom, she slipped a Halls in her month. She wanted to give Ben a different sensation. She was hoping this would prevent him from stopping her from doing something she love to.

The eucalyptus in the small candy would allow Ben to feel coolness and the warmness of her hands would cause a contrasting sensation.  This was sure to bring him to the edge.

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