Part 3 (DRAMA)

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you woke up, and take a Bath,then you do your skincare and Put your makeup on. There was bell ring. You knew it was Babysitter so opened and let her in. "Hi Miss y/n." She said. "Oh please you can call me just y/n" and you gave her big smile. Then you had your Breakfast and meet Waltons. Y'all went to school together. You saw your best friend . She walk up to you , you wanted Say hi but... she run up to Jaden and said "hi J,how are u?". "Hi?" Jaden said with awkward tone. "Hi, I'm good to." I said and she rolled her eyes. When we went to our lockers, I was with Lizzie ( my bsf) until one of your friend came. He had smoked so he said "hey Lizzie,". "Yes?" She asked with smile. "How long have you fucking y/n's ex boyfriend?" . "What..?" She said with nervous laughing. "How long have you fucking y/n's ex?" He repeated. "What are you talking about?" I said. " I just saw she was sitting in his car and kissing and drive off" . "N-no, I don't even know why are you believe him he is a drug addicted" she said with crying. "Oh you're crying, you crying to you stupid bitch. Your most selfish person I've ever fucked my ex and you are fucking CRYING?!" You yelled. Now everyone was surrounded of you two. "How long have you been fucking him be Honest!" You said. "Y/n, please calm down." Javon said. "Wanna! Stfu. Answer my question!!" You said. You was so angry. "When was this?" You turned to this boy who tell you abt them. "Well about 1 week?..."
"You BITCH!" You yelled and Drag her with her hair and Start beating her up. After you was Done with her you Ask Jaden " JADEN is Sam(ur ex) in your class?" You said. "Yes..." Jaden said and you smiled "PERFECT!" You run to his first period and He followed you. You run to his classroom when teach stand up and was going to say- "y/n-." You faced her and yelled "not now! I don't have time to argue you Miss!!!." (Btw y'all are on third floor) . "SERIOUSLY SAM?!?! MY BSF?!?!" You yelled. "Yeah.. and what are you gonna do about it? You are crazy but you can't do something about it!" He said Laughing. Btw Jaden was looking you. "NO SAM... YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND! I AM CRAZIER THAN YOU THINK!!!" You yelled. "That's not something you should be proud of" he said. " No.. but this is something you should be scared of!" You grab his chin and Drag him to the window and throw him but you catches his hand! "y/n.. please don't" he said. "Payback is a Bad bitch darling!" You said but Principal came into the class and Yelled "y/n y/l/n!!"
You faced principal "What now?" You asked him. "To the principal's office NOW?!?!" He yelled again. You faced your ex and said " you're so lucky!!" Then you pick his hand a little up so he can touch something and then let him go... another classmates helped him to come up. And you went to the principal's office.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2022 ⏰

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