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     It was a warm summer evening. The sun's now orange light made its way through the tulle curtain, basking the room in its glow. On the opposite end of the room, a girl sat at her desk, sighing as she bent down under her desk to turn off her computer. Once done, she got up from her seat. Taking off her black headset, she left the room to wash her face.

     Feeling the cold water splash on her face, contrasting the insane heat of the day had almost instantly made her feel better. She had been in the same seat for hours, playing some games to entertain the people watching her livestream. This was normally something she enjoyed doing, but on days of intense heat such as today, she almost regretted it. 'Oh well...' she thought, drying her face with a towel and leaving the bathroom. 'It's better like this, rather than in person.'

     "Akiya! Are you getting ready? The last train to the concert hall takes off soon you know!" her mom yelled, bringing the girl's mind back to reality.

     "Yeah yeah, I'll be ready in a few minutes. The stream lasted longer than I thought it would," she yelled back. "I'll be done in a few minutes!"

     Once back inside her room, Akiya quickly opened her wardrobe, in search of the clothes she was planning to wear. It didn't take long to find her outfit of the day: a white shirt with puffed, off-the-shoulder sleeves and a pleated skirt that started off a dark blue at the waist, and ended with a light blue. She tied the two together with a black corset-belt, which would match with the ribbon she planned on putting on her hair.

     After putting on the outfit, she brushed her long, light brown hair and tied two small pieces from the front at the back with a black ribbon. The last thing she wanted was to risk her hair getting in her face and obscuring her view of the performance.

     When she was ready, she shoved her phone and some stuff she might need into a light blue heart-shaped bag and headed towards the door.

     "I'll be off then!" she exclaimed, putting on the black mary-jane shoes she had previously set aside. Then, she grabbed her spare keys and left the house in a hurry.

    She reached the train station panting for air. She had run the whole way to make sure she didn't miss the last train for the day. Just as she entered the station, the train she was supposed to take was making the final call for people wishing to board it. She ran inside just in time for the doors to close, and the train took off. Thankfully, the train wasn't too busy and she easily found an empty seat. Once sat, she exhaled in relief, glad she hadn't missed the train. She decided to look around as she waited. The train's interior was mostly white, with metal handles for people to ride standing up, and metal doors. The windows were quite dirty but the sun shone through nonetheless, lighting up the cabin with its warm light.

     The brunette sighed as she looked inside her bag for her phone. It was 7:43 p.m. and the concert would start at 8. She closed her eyes, hoping that she will make it before it starts. The last thing she wanted was to draw any sort of attention. Even the thought of a few people turning their heads away from the performance to look at her as she tried to enter the concert hall as silently as possible caused her to shudder. She tried her best to slip away from anxiety-inducing thoughts as the train slowed down, and finally came to a stop.

     After leaving the train, the brunette sprinted in the direction of the concert hall. Moving through benches and hedges of the park she had to get through with the nimbleness of a stray cat. The only thing on her mind was to get there on time.

     She paused once she reached the entrance of the concert hall to take a breath. The concert hall was a cylindrical building, with glass walls and brick-colored rectangle sections attached to both sides. The interior was white, with different signs to indicate where things are hanging from the ceiling, and posters of current and upcoming events on the walls. A sign that read 'Audience' pointed towards cream colored doors that lead inside the actual concert area. Two staff members in black uniforms stood on each side of the door, ready to check tickets.

     Akiya dug through her bag and took out a light pink, rectangle shaped paper adorned with black lace decals and handed it to the man on the right. The man took a good look at both sides of the paper and then let her in.

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