1 - The Audition

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It was the day of the audition. 'I still can't believe I'm about to do it!' I thought to myself. I never would have imagined actually going through with being an idol. An idol career to me felt like it was unachievable. A dream best left as one never fulfilled. And yet, there I was: Standing in front of the metal gates of the school that I had always wanted to go to, but hadn't had the courage to apply.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I needed to calm down. If I didn't go into this with a clear head, I wouldn't be able to perform to my best ability. 'One more step.' I thought. 'One more step and I won't look back. No more doubts.'

I opened my eyes and took a step. I was now officially inside Four Star Academy. Well- the girls division of Four Star Academy but still. It was time to leave my doubts outside the door and just give it my best shot!

* * * * * *

When I got inside the building, I immediately looked for the cafeteria. I had to find it quick, otherwise I would be late. I hurried down the halls until I got to the doors of the cafeteria. Thankfully, I wasn't late. I didn't want to go in while panting so hard, so I took a few seconds to calm myself down before entering. Then, I took the door's handle with my hands and pushed it open.

I peeked into the cafeteria. There were around 10 people there. I decided to go sit at a table by myself. I kept my head low as I scurried over to the empty circular table I had set my eyes on. I put my backpack on the table and took out my phone to check the time. 8:59. One more minute and I would have been late. I sighed as I put my phone back. Then, the main door opened and a fair skinned girl with short light purple hair and pink glasses walked in. 'Oh my god...' I thought to myself.

"Hello everyone. As you may know, my name is Nanakura Koharu." she said as she put her hands together and smiled sweetly. "Welcome to Four Star Academy's Transfer Audition!"

A self introduction? I hadn't prepared for this one! Luckily for me, there was a possibility for other people to go before me, so I could just copy their self-intro format and make one up on the spot. I took a nervous sigh.

"We will start by having everyone introduce themselves for around 1 to 2 minutes. We can start by... you over there and go in a clockwise order." Koharu continued as she pointed to the girl sitting on the table in front of mine. I slightly panicked when I heard this because I would be the second in line, but I tried my best to calm myself down.

"O-oh me?!" A dirty blonde haired girl with light brown eyes said as she got up nervously. "I- Uh- My name is Shimizu Azusa! Nice to meet you all!" she started. "I like cute things like bows 'n stuff–! I've been practicing singing for around 5 years I think? I broke my leg before I got to apply last year and now I'm here auditioning for year 2! ...Uhm I don't know what else to add. Good luck everyone!"

When she sat down, it was my turn. I stood up, trying to keep eye contact with the people that had their heads turned my way."H- Hello everyone. I'm Akiya Amane, you can just call me Aki. I've been training on singing and dancing since I was 4, but I stopped when I was 12. I continued singing for fun for the next two years but I didn't have the courage to apply last year. So uh yeah I'm here now. Thank you for having me! Good luck to everyone!"

After I sat down, I waited for the rest to take their turn. Yuki, then Sakura, then Rin, then Tsuya, then Yoko... you get the point. Once it was over, Koharu turned to talk to all of us once more.

"Now that everyone knows each others' names, we will start the interviews. I will call your names one by one, and you will go to the first classroom on the right from the corridor that leads to this room. I know you all are very nervous, but calm down. Our teachers just want to get to know you. It won't even take that long." She said with a smile before she left the room. I was guessing that she's probably just behind the door.

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