Marcus Adventure

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I was sent to the sunsets boy's home. It was hell and perverted. Chester aka fuckface tormented me only if y/n was here she would've ended him for what he did to me all these months here.

I followed the instructions for the needle bomb y/n and I invented it in the revenge book. Probably is the only reason I am getting out of there alive. The last thing I heard about her is that there were no survivors except her she was missing from the prison she was sent to.

She always had the absurd plan that had so much of a risk. The one she did wasn't one that she was sure of I know it. I hoped that she was alive and safe but knowing her she is probably on the run. It wasn't like my plan was any better than hers.

Mine was a plan to kill a plan to let half the people die but all the boys at the boy's home live. It was a risk I admit. A big risk she would've said something along the lines of if the risk is too big that can kill someone I care about don't take it. It will always blow up in your face.

She wasn't the best at making speeches to make you go through with it. But they were speeches and words that kept me from doing something stupid.

I snapped back to reality when I heard the scream of the boys in the boy's home I saw the gun in my hand pointed at the wards. I looked over at Chester coughing out blood with nails all over him and the wards.

"there where all the nails went Hank," I said shooting him in the head.

I grabbed my backpack and my guitar with my things and walked with the gun in my hand to Rank's office. My plan was going perfectly.

I got to her office and kicked the door down I saw her there. I grabbed a few pairs of needles and threw them at her she yelled in agony as I grabbed the remote and let all the kids out. I heard them all yelling and attacking the wards they had all gone mad. Of course, I didn't know most of what happened down there.

I shot her dead when I heard lots of gunshots coming from downstairs. I ran downstairs quickly. I saw Chester shooting everyone.

"don't just stay there help them!" I heard my sister's voice say in my ear but I didn't listen to it I ran out of the boy's home. I ran to the streets. I heard firefighters and cop cars.

I regretted not helping but I had to do what I needed to do to survive.

Two years later. Y/n works at a vinyl record shop Marcus works at a comic book shop. Both of them live in different parts of the city. They don't know where the other is at but it won't be long till they both find themselves in difficult situations.


I was putting on my beanie while I had my headphones in. When I saw Kyle come in.

"Hey y/n did the new rock record come in yet," he asked while walking over to the counter

"Yeah, here it is, "I said grabbing it from under the counter. I took off the sticky note while ringing him up on the register.

"Hey, y/n can you get the new records they sent across town to the comic book shop since it's the day of the dead and your closing late I thought you might have some fun with a cute guy you find along the way," Booker said walking in from the back.

"Fine whatever booker, "I said

"Yeah, booker whatever"Kyle said while laughing I laughed with him.

"Oh come on you got my best mate laughing, "Booker said while laughing.

"imma just get it now on my break ill be back at three you know what no booker your closing the shop tonight," I said while clocking out.

"She just did an Uno reverse card on you man," Kyle said

"Whatever just bring back the records cya," Booker said

"Cya, "I said while opening the door and leaving. I grabbed my skateboard and put on my bag with my records in it and made my way around town. With the address, I got from Booker. I had never gone to a comic book shop before. It was starting to get dark by the time I got there people were cheering and setting up for the day of the dead before it got too dark.

I saw titan forces and ran to grab volumes six and seven.

"Titans force fan I see," the boy from the register said as I looked through them not looking up.

"Yeah I loved them since I was a kid," I said while laughing.

"Yeah I love them too so did my sister," he said cheekily. When he walked over I looked up.

We both stared at each other in shock. He looked at me not moving a muscle so did I?

"b-brother," I said stuttering he ran to me and hugged me as tight as he could I didn't move an inch I was in pure utter shock.

"You killed lots of people," he said when he let go and looked at me.

"So did you," I said we both looked down at our hands.

"Let's go on a walk to catch up," he said he grabbed my arm and basically dragged me out of there. He locked up the shop as he grabbed his backpack.

We walked around as we looked at the lights.

"You know I always thought you would do a risk like this but why them," he asked

"Because they were assholes and it was an accident I didn't want it to be set off until it was lunchtime when everyone was outside," I said annoyed

"I thought maybe we would be better at siblings tonight." He said while looking down.

"I don't have a true heart anymore brother," I said we both were numb I knew it.

"I have a machine heart I don't feel most of the things I should, "He said when he kicked the rock making it go rolling down the sidewalk.

"Will you just help me feel something," I said he looked at me as if we were being watched. He put his hand right in front of me and made a signal behind me to the left.

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