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"How many," I whispered under my breath.

"four I know an alleyway follow me," he said walking through an alleyway. I followed him through the alley. We stumbled across the parade of the day of the dead.

There were cops we both looked at each other. I took out the knife Marcus gave me at the orphanage. He took out the one I gave him.

"split up meet at the parking lot," I said he nodded his head. I walked through the parade a policeman saw me I started walking the other way. A girl stopped him while she was dancing I turned and saw she slit his throat with her fan.

I started running out of the parade. A boy grabbed my arm I grabbed his arm and flipped him over me while cutting the side of his arm. He yelled in pain the cops started going towards me and in the direction Marcus went.

"Sorry guys but I am already high enough," I said looking at the cops with my hands up I turned invisible. I started running to the parking lot. I got there and Marcus was cornered by cops with guns pointed at him.

I turned visible and used my powers to make them fall. Marcus used his powers to make all their guns go across the parking lot. I started fighting hand to hand with them he punched me in the face as I grabbed his arm and kicked his side. He fell to the ground as I started blasting the other back. Marcus was using his powers to throw knives at their arms and legs.

A girl on her motorcycle and three others came into the parking lot.

"sup guys don't make this harder than it is." said a boy with green hair I smirked.

"How about no," I said with a laugh

"psychopath is mine you'll pay for the cut on my arm," said the boy I cut earlier.

"Sorry but you will pay for coming near us, "I said my eyes turned red and Marcus's eyes turned green.

"holy shit Saya," The boy said I used my powers to attack them Marcus started creating knives.

"Riddle twins stop!" The other girl yelled at both me and Marcus stopped in a heartbeat. The boy grabbed my arm and started choking me the girl grabbed Marcus and put something over her mouth and nose to make him pass out.

I struggled to get out of his reach but I passed out.

I woke up tied to a chair so was Marcus I rolled my eyes looking at him. We were in a room with nothing around us.

A man came in with a Boy with tattoos on him and another one like him but shorter. I used my ring that had a small blade in it that pops out when I push a button. I cut the rope to get loose. Keeping my hands behind my back.

"I am Master Lin. You are both here for a purpose, You might not know this but your powers are a good thing. It protects you like I am going to protect you guys at my school. Both of your reputations are greater than all the kids here but I just want to know one thing. Why were you guys separated it doesn't add up to all twenty orphanage records that you guys got kicked out of." The man said that the boys stood behind.

"were too powerful together they separated us without knowing half the things we are capable of." I said

"They didn't know a lot of what our powers can do not even a tiny piece of it just the surface of it" Marcus said

"You two are joining my school of the dark arts your uniforms and items you will need to acquire are in your dorms follow me," he said to me, and Marcus. When they were untying him I got up making everyone get alarmed and get their weapons out. I reset the blade on my ring to go into hidden mode again and laughed.

"Guys chill you suck at looking for weapons on me that's a fact"I said

"How'd you escape no one escaped me knots before" Saya said

"That's a secret I will never tell" I said

I walked through the halls people whispered as I rolled my eyes.

"you know our life in another boarding school well it's not an orphanage at the least"I said while walking with Marcus and Master lin

"that's, to say the least," he said I laughed so did Marcus.

"Here is your guy's dorm for now you guys will start attending classes tomorrow," he said as he left.

I mimicked him as soon as he left Marcus hit my arm and we both burst out laughing.

"there news about the wizarding world saying that they are looking for Voldemort lost children honestly pathetic if you ask me," Marcus said

"yes like why would he lose them in the first place like look at this tom and Theodore look traumatized in this photo of their family," I said pointing out the photo on the daily profit.

"I never knew why there was an owl giving me these newspapers thought you would have an answer for it one day," Marcus said I shrugged my shoulders.

"I feel bad for the owl I mean they come from London with this ever since we got kicked out of all of London orphanages," I said

"anyways let's start unpacking our things," Marcus said I took my thing that they brought from my apartment and put my record player on the nightstand with all the records at the bottom.

I put my clothes in the closet and started putting up my decorations I noticed that Marcus was putting up posters and had lots of games for his PlayStation he started setting up I rolled my eyes.

"Were you lonely?" I asked him while hanging up my fake records on the walls with fake vines.

"not really but I did miss you a lot," he said I took out the revenge book from my bag and looked at him he bolted up and took out his half from his backpack.

We put them together and started making sense of all the pranks we had. All the plans we had. All the vision boards we had for when we were older.

"We should do this one tomorrow," I said looking at the plan that we had to make the funniest and most serious friend group.

There was a knock on the door and our first reaction was to throw the book at the wall and I opened the door.

"Hello," I said with a smile it was the boy with the green hair from earlier.

"Hey there's a party tonight I thought you guys would wanna come and meet more people since you guys already have a good reputation I am Billy by the way," he said

"I am y/n and yeah I will go I will bring my brother too," I said

"sick see you there," he said while leaving I closed the door smiling looking at Marcus.

"don't tell me that wimp is your crush come on he isn't strong just observe him," Marcus said throwing a knife at the wall with his target poster up.

"whatever and don't tell me you didn't have your eye on those girls," I said

"whatever let's get ready I call bathroom," he said while smiling

"you sick bastard I wanted it first," I said as he shrugged his shoulder and went to shower in our bathroom.

I picked out my clothes and started doing my hair.

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