One ~ Weekend

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The abandoned apartment was in a quiet part of the town. No one lived nearby, and people had a sense to not go near. Two figures ran through the streets towards it, narrowly avoiding being seen by passers by a few streets away. They took the back door inside, immediately readjusting themselves and walking into the main room.

Two others their age talked near a table with a map of the city, different locations scratched out. Three children were playing on the couch in the corner. The teens joined the hushed conversation as they circled a certain bank, crossed out an entrance to UA, and spoke about new plans the school had and possible problems.

Uraraka sighed as she turned and looked at the kids, "What did you guys learn at school?"

She, like Bakugou, was sick of putting up an act. The only joy she really got was being around the others in this building. It was like a family. They did some villain work, but they had to keep up with their own 'hero' training.

The oldest out of the three stuck out her tongue. She had light brown hair pulled back into two pigtails and dark green eyes. Her name was Irumi.

"Nothing fun. I want to learn about the heroes and villains! Can we go out tonight?"

Sometimes they went to the rest of the villains. They were a part of the league, but they worked in the shadows and some members don't even know of them.

Uraraka hesitated, what if they were caught? Sure they did this before, but theres always a chance-

"We should bring them. It's been a month, and the rest would love to see them. Plus, we can't have them sitting here all night, they have to get into trouble sometimes," Her girlfriend rested her hands on her shoulders.

She nodded, "Alright."

Toga and Uraraka looked towards the other two. The green haired one looked up and nodded, while the blond one came over.

"Daddy, we're going to the league of villains!" She cheered as he picked her up.

"Yes, I know," He looked down at the boy, the middle one of the group. "Are you okay with that."

He nodded as he closed the book in his hand. He had dirty blond hair and light blue eyes. His name was Yuuto. The youngest child clapped. "Yay!" She had short brown hair and yellow eyes, a miny replica of Toga and Uraraka. She was different then the other two children, she, unlike the other two, rightfully belonged to the two teenage girls. A quirk had caused her to be born, and she had both her parents powers. She was just less addicted to blood. They named her Akane. Akane never said much, as she was quiet and Irumi and Yuuto watched over her. Irumi was 7, Yuuto six and a half, and Akane was two weeks away from being five.

They packed what they needed and quickly used the shadows to get to the LOV base.

The history was... complicated, to say the least. For starters, Midoriya was from a different universe. After all the bullying he became a villain, and One for All gave him quirks instead of All Might. Some of the others, including Bakugou and Uraraka, had died in that world. He trained, and eventually he had enough power to travel to this world. Toga found him, and told him that Bakugou was her brother. "I could get him here, If you'd like." She snuck into his school and just so happened to bump into Uraraka when she was leaving. Thinking fast she knocked her out, bringing them both to the abandoned apartment. While Midoriya and Bakugou talked, so did Toga and Uraraka. They didn't turn the villains in, and after learning why they had died, they started thinking of becoming villains themselves. The hero system was corrupt. And it had consequences on everyone. Hopefully in this world they could make a change. A month later, they found Yuuto after they had done one of their missions. His parents could no longer take care of him, but everywhere he looked no one could take him in. They had sympathy, and Bakugou and Midoriya adopted him. A year later, Uraraka and Toga were hit with the quirk and Akane was born in thin air. A short time after Bakugou had been coming back and found Irumi. She had just lost her parents, and was worried that villains would come after her. A huge change from now, since she was probably their biggest fan, wanting to become the greatest villain herself some day. Her green eyes reminded him of Midoriya, and he brought her back.

When they got there Irumi ran to Shigaraki to start a conversation, about.... well to be honest it was probably about food. Uraraka and Bakugou chatted while watching Yuuto and Akane pull a few members into their game. Toga was speaking to Dabi, and Midoriya was talking to Twice about the plans of UA.

Uraraka smiled at everyone getting along. Bakugou patted her shoulder. The next day they had to go back to UA, as it was the end of the weekend. He had been getting closer to her, and that made it harder to seem reluctant to her in school. She had even gotten him to stop calling her Round Face.

A little shriek was heard as Irumi scared someone with her quirk. She could phase through things, so she reached into a chair and grabbed them from behind. She laughed as Midoriya called her.

"Irumi, if you want to cause mischief, can you please go steal new weapons?"

Her eyes widened as she realized she was aloud to go out, and to cause trouble no less.

"I'll go with them," Toga said. She led the kids out of the building.

"Can you?" Uraraka said.

"No, get out of my face," Bakugou yelled.

"Please!" She begged.

"Fine," He huffed. "But someone else better be making food tomorrow."

She squealed and ran to the kitchen to help. Midoriya grinned and looked at his journal.

When Toga and the four arrived back they carried a case. A knife, dagger and gun were inside. Toga snatched the knife, as Uraraka and Bakugou placed plates of food on the table. Uraraka grabbed it from her.


"You have so many though." She flipped it around. "Here, Midoriya, you have it. It feels weird to hold anyway." She favoured the dagger and tucked it away.

Yuuto brought the gun to Midoriya. He patted the boy on his head, "Thank you. You guys did a good job. I took it no one noticed?"

Toga nodded as she took a bit of her noodles, "No one was there this hour."

Yuuto nodded as well as he sat down. He sat beside seemingly empty chairs. Although there were people there, just not alive. There names were Maho and Zantetsu. Yuutos quirk makes it so he can see, hear, and talk with them. They both usually spy on people for information, but they rarely do any jobs, seeing as they stick by Yuuto and they don't like the kids going out much. Maho was around his age, passed away by sickness. Zantetsu was around Midoriya's and the others age. He passed away when there was an attack, and the heroes didn't even know he was there. One of their attacks hit him, and of course they didn't know. Both have grudges against the heroes.

Maho had light purple hair that went to the middle of her back and dark purple eyes. She had very white skin. Zantetsu had tan skin and messy black hair. His eyes were orange. Because of their passing, they both don't have quirks. But they're fine with that.

After eating they cleaned and left to go back to the apartment. Toga lifted up a half asleep Akane and took her up the stairs, Uraraka following her. Midoriya helped Irumi get ready while Bakugou helped Yuuto. They tucked them in and went back to the main room.

Uraraka sighed, "Schools tomorrow. And I have a feeling acting is going to be harder than usual."

"We could always just not go," Bakugou smirked.

"And risk getting kicked out?" Uraraka sighed. "I just want to stay here, maybe bring the kids to listen in on a conversation in a hero agency."

Toga swayed her head on her hands that clutched a knife, "Maybe the league needs to make a visit?"

Midoriya pouted, "And what about me?"

Toga smiled and leaped up. She returned with a mask, "You can always wear a costume."

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