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Waking up Young-Sook smiles because of another day of school and another day of seeing her friends. Yesterday was fun and she hopes it could happen again. Young-Sook does her morning routine, which consists of waking everyone up in the house. She loved doing it because it was a fun thing for her. She starts with her sister, with who she shares a room, she jumps up on her bed and shakes her around. "Unnie! Get up!" She's a really heavy sleeper, it's so bad. Young-Hee groans and pushes Young-Sook off. Young-Sook also groans but gets up and gets dressed and ready, hoping her sister will hear and wake up eventually.

Young-Hee doesn't get up, so Young-Sook shakes her around a bit before she continues on to the next person, she will get her sister later. Moving on to the next room, she knocks on the door to make sure her brother is asleep. There is always a 50/50 percent chance he is up or asleep, it matters if he stays up late or not. This time, he's awake, he went to sleep earlier last night. He opens the door and smiles at his sister. He's already dressed in his uniform clothes for the school day and he grabs his backpack and heads to the kitchen for breakfast. 

Next, it was time to wake up her mother. She knocks on the door and waits a few seconds before opening it. As she opens the door her mom hangs up the phone, Young-Sook doesn't question it and keeps going with a positive attitude. "Good morning!" She smiles and gives her mom a big hug, before leading her to the kitchen so everyone can have breakfast. As they arrive in the kitchen Young-Hee is also there, in her school uniform. Everyone sits by the table and eats their breakfast. They are always busy, but they always have time to sit down for breakfast and dinner. 

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The kids hug their mother a farewell before walking to school. Dae-Hyun splits off with them because he goes to a high school. The twins talk about random stuff as they make their way to the school. It isn't a long walk, but to the siblings, it is long enough for them to catch up on things that they didn't even have a need to catch up on. The twins arrive at the school and part ways, they are indifferent classrooms, its kinda sad because Young-Sook wanted to share one, but since there isn't a lot of room, she had to move somewhere else. 

Young-Sook walks into the classroom and is immediately greeted by her new friends. Young-Sook was smiling so big, they hug, and then start to talk about stuff as they wait for school to start. 

♥ Young-Hee♥

Parting ways with her sister, she walks slowly towards the classroom. She hates going to school, but if she doesn't go, then she is gonna cause trouble. Young-Hee was about to just leave school altogether.  Go to class. Young-Hee sighs, she really didn't wanna go. It's better than dealing with Gyeo-Wool. *G-ul* Young-Hee ignores the voice and walks in the opposite direction. Go to class! The voice screams and yells at her. It's hurting her head. She quickly listens to the unknown voice that has been bothering her for years. She goes into the classroom and spots Gyeo-Wool quickly and easily. Young-Hee was about to burst into tears right then and there. Don't cry, you are so sensitive. 'Dammit' Young-Hee thinks. She walks in as confidently as she can and goes to her seat in the back. 

The teachers put her there so they can keep an eye on her. She has been causing trouble and being in the front only makes her an easy target. She sits down and looks up, instantly making eye contact with Geyo-Wool. Don't let her intimate you. The voice is kinda a confident booster but also gets her into the most trouble. This definitely doesn't go unnoticed by Geyo-Wool and was quick to skip her happy little self towards the scared girl. Young-Hee didn't say a word, with the pounding headache because of the voice and the voice absolutely screaming at her to not be intimidated by the petite girl, she didn't wanna risk her voice being too low and soft. 

Geyo-Wool walks up to the girl smiling wide. She always liked to tease the girl because she always talked back, so, why not have a little fun in this boring school. Young-Hee was about to run out of there, but the voice keeps telling her otherwise. She wouldn't have listened but it's giving her a massive headache so if she doesn't listen it's gonna keep screaming at her and making her headache worse. She learned that the hard way. "Hey!" Geyo-Wool exclaims. "How have you been?" She's being too weird, it's making Young-Hee very uncomfortable. Don't be rude. Answer her. 

Young-Hee doesn't mean to come off rude or cold, it's the headache that's making her grumpy. "Terrible, How are you." Her tone of voice was very shady. Young-Hee gave her a nice little smile before turning away. Geyo-Wool gave her a nasty look, she was about to say something but then the teacher comes in ready to start class. Geyo-Wool gave Young-Hee one last nasty look before going to her seat. Young-Hee knows she's gonna get it when it's break time. Taking a deep breath to calm herself down she starts to get her supplies out to pay attention in class. 

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During class, Young-Hee looks up and sees Geyo-Wool staring at her, making her very uncomfortable. Young-Hee looks away before something happens. Weak, stop crying. The voice is messing with her head. She holds her head in her hands and hyperventilates. Stop being so weak! Keep your head up! "Stop!" Young-Hee screams, startling everyone in the room. Young-Hee looks around scared. Everything is blurry and she can't do it. Geyo-Wool looks at her weirdly, just like everyone else. The teacher was talking but Young-Hee couldn't hear it. The voice laughs and mocks her. 

Young-Hee didn't know what to do but run. Stay put. "Everyone shut up!" The sudden outburst from Young-Hee wasn't a surprise but this was towards everyone else. Everyone just stared at her. She didn't know what to do. "Continue with the lesson, leave me alone." She gave the teacher a cold look. The teacher saw this and gave her one back. 

The teacher takes a breath before speaking. "I do not tolerate such disruption." Young-Hee only gave her another look before walking out of the classroom. She walks out and looks at the classroom next to her. Young-Sook's classroom. She looks in and sees Young-Sook happily doing her work while talking to her friends. Look at her. Being happy, living the school life that you want. Young-Hee then stops, realizing that she's starting to get jealous of Young-Sook. Young-Hee shakes her head to get rid of the thought, she shouldn't be jealous. She shouldn't be jealous. You are jealous. She looks like she is having the perfect school day. That YOU want. YOU want that. YOU want it. Young-Hee screams before falling to the ground overwhelmed. 

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