5 Bodies In One Day

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"It feels good to be in charge" he chuckled softly.

Jungkook held Taehyung on his lap as they sat in the office terminating some employees here and there, "What kind of company do you want to change it to?" Tae asked, looking at the files for terminated employees.

"Not sure honestly, maybe I'll let Joon come up with the statistics of the plausible success rate of different kinds of companies," he muttered as his chin rested on the older's shoulder. "Want me to text him to come to the company?".

Kook gave a nod to the question "Yeah that'd be useful, but also tell him to bring Jin and whoever else wants to help with this shit but they have to be trustworthy" he added getting up, setting Taehyung on the chair carefully. Tae hummed and did as he was told to, while Jungkook called in the secretary from her office. Once she came into the office he handed her a paper file, "You can pack your things, this company no longer needs you" he smiled.

He walked past her to the hallway going down the stairs handing out similar files to other employees, "Oh well, looks like that's everyone hm?" he teased turning to head back up to his office. Picking up the phone on the desk he called a construction company to get the logo redesigned along with a few other things.

Half an hour passed before Joon and a few others arrived at the building, "Hey, got your text I also brought Jin and Hoseok couldn't think of anyone else to bring thought sorry Kooks" he spoke as he entered the office.

"That's fine we can hire other people down the line right now I just need to know what type of company would profit the most," Namjoon nodded thinking for a brief second. "I mean logically jewelry and or clothing I'd assume since clothing is necessary and jewelry is something people get captivated by when there's someone of bigger status is talking about the jewelry and clothing others would naturally fall in line"

Jungkook gave a nod with a slight hum coming to a conclusion, "Alright then, we'll just do both two birds, one stone. Now we need company name ideas, something that will stick" he got up leading everyone to the meeting room. "So, it obviously needs to be something catchy that can work well with both clothes and jewelry, any ideas?".

The others stayed silent for a bit thinking internally about anything that would match the idea Jungkook had, "I mean we could call it 'Mad House Co' or something" Tae suggested suddenly. "Mad House, MHC, I like it honestly. The name would be captivating in a sense. 'Mad House Co' it is then"

"Now, I have a construction company coming today, Namjoon I'm putting you in charge of them and directing them, Jin you seem creative Hoseok you as well, I'm putting you two in charge of designing a logo right now just draw something up or whatever and show me the sketch, also never show your face when dealing with them" he instructed throwing them a few masks handing one to Taehyung as well. "Why do we need masks exactly?" Jin asked, arching his brow.

"Well, this is going to be a jewelry and clothing company, yes, but we're also going to make some extra cash by opening a club as well, the club will be called 'Mad House' and the company is just 'MHC' so it won't be obviously connected, and with that club, there's gonna be some not so legal transactions" he explained getting up heading to the door.

"Tae let's go, we have a building to take over now. Call us if anything" he added lastly before the two headed out to their car looking for the nicest nightclub to take. Jungkook drove to a large club, putting his mask on he took two guns putting them in his jacket as Taehyung did the same, getting out of the car. "Backside" he mouthed as Tae gave a nod following Jungkook closely.

Jungkook opened a window letting Taehyung go in first, following himself after. They carefully made their way to the back, thankfully anyone that passed them was either shit-faced drunk or uninterested. Once they made it to the back they walked into the office carefully making sure they were unseen. They waited in the dark room for a while until someone entered much later. Taehyung silently locked the door once the person walked away from the door, just then Jungkook held a cloth over their face waiting for them to fall unconscious.

"Nice, help me carry him to the car," he said as Taehyung nodded walking over to help, using the backdoor to leave instead of the window carrying him out to the car, once at the car they bound his arms and legs taping his mouth shut tossing him into the trunk. The two headed back to the company, carefully carrying him inside up to the meeting room with the others. "What the fuck did you do-" Jin started as Jungkook shushed him.

They sat the male in the corner of the room tossing a gun to the other three equally, "Kidnapped him what does it look like, he's the owner of that club though so my plan is to simply kill him and then issue a notice to the club that it'll be shut down and sold after" he explained to them. Taehyung nodded along playing with his gun, "Exactly, two bodies in one day how exciting" he joked.

"Technically, 5 bodies in one day but anyway he'll be awake soon keep your masks on just in case, Joon where's a good place to dump his body after this?" he asked as Namjoon took a quick look at his phone before answering. "Probably in a river or some kind of body of water, maybe a few towns or something over" he suggested.

Jungkook sighed "Nevermind I have an idea" he sang pulling out the knife from his boot again. "I'll just have to improvise then" he chuckled walking over to the club owner cutting the tape from around his mouth waiting for him to wake up. A while passed before he woke up, before he could yell or scream Jungkook squeezed his neck tight flashing a large smile.

"Don't scream, if you want to keep that tongue" he threatened before letting his neck go getting up sitting on a chair in front of him. "So, let's just cut to the chase yea? You're gonna sell your business, by that I mean we're going to publicly tweet that your club will be shutting down

Indefinitely" he simply spoke.

Picking up his phone "Don't try anything, all five of us have guns and won't hesitate to blast a hole through your skull" he patted his head tossing it over to Namjoon to make the post after that he put his kife up to his face with a smile.

"Now to make sure you keep your mouth shut" he hummed flagging two of the others to hold him down while he did his thing. Jungkook taped his mouth again as he used his knife to cut his hands off, he removed the tape again holding his tongue out slicing it off. "There now you can't write or talk" he chuckled dangling his tongue in his hand. "You want it back?" he asked in a degrading manner getting up tossing his tongue into a box along with his hands.

"Alright now take him to his house and make it look like a break-in or whatever, you can trash the place and take whatever you want just make it look real," he said as the others did as he instructed. Taehyung stayed behind helping Jungkook clean up the blood that spilled on the tile floor. "Now after this, we can buy the lot and the club as well, and then we can renovate it I'll let you do most of the interior designing honey," he said to Taehyung.

Tae smiled and nodded happily "With pleasure Kookie," he responded helping discard the cleaning supplies. "Two businesses down, now we just have to hire some people for the club as well preferably criminals they work better when threatened I find because they can't call for help without being locked up themselves" Kook chuckled sitting in his chair with Taehyung on his lap once more.

"Can't wait to see how this turns out" Taehyung hummed wrapping his arms around Jungkook's neck. 

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