New Beginnings

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Jungkook woke up to an empty cell, furrowing his brows he forced himself to get out of bed walking over to the metal door. Taking hold of the handle he pulled it open following the sound of voices to the cafeteria. Unsurprisingly he was met with the sight of Taehyung, Baekhyun, and Namjoon at the table accompanied with a few others as well.

Standing in the shadows he sized up the two unidentified males, watching closely at how they interacted with the others in a friendly manner. 'They don't seem like a threat..but you can never be too sure' he thought to himself before deciding it was time to make his presence known. Walking into the cafeteria area he bit back a smirk as all the attention in the room suddenly snapped onto him.

Kook without a word walked over to the table going to sit in his usual place until he stopped. "You're in my seat" his voice boomed interrupting the previous silence. The unidentified male stared in what seemed to be a mix of confusion and terror. Before the male could produce a word another voice chimed in. "I think ya better move before Kookie gets angry hun," Tae said motioning for the male to get up.

Doing as he was advised the said male got up stuttering out an apology taking a seat near Namjoon, once he did Jungkook took his seat raising his brow at all the eyes on him. "Is there something on my face?" he asked in a slightly annoyed tone.

Namjoon shook his head trying to figure out how to word what he was about to say. "No, not that it's just look a little different today". Jungkook tsked at his words resting his chin on the palm of his hand. "Different how Joon? Please enlighten me" he spoke with a sarcasm-laced voice. The others looked at each other before Baek spoke up.

"For the love of- you're just up later than usual and you look like someone threw you in a fucking garbage truck. There I said it" Baek yawned catching everyone by surprise. " that". Jungkook sot another annoyed look at them pinching the bridge of his nose "I just fucking woke up, and I barely slept Tae kept kicking me the whole fucking night" he let out a deep sigh as they all nodded at the story. "Sorry Puddin I didn't mean to~" Tae sang as he flashed him a smile.

"So, who're the new faces?" he asked looking over at the two males across the table. Namjoon clapped his hands suddenly motioning over to them. "Ah this is my Fiance Jin remember, and this is the cousin I was telling you about Hoseok". Kook hummed before he remembered the second point of the plan. "Did you get what we asked for?" he asked Joon. "Oh yeah, I nearly forgot about that" Tae added as Joon chuckled a bit.

Namjoon gave a nod before walking out to his car, coming back in with a large black bag setting it down near Jungkook, "As if I'd forget" he spoke proudly earning a slight glare from Kook. "Let's not celebrate too early, Joonie" he forced a smile sending a shiver down the older's spine. "Question" Baek suddenly spoke again as they all looked over at him.

"How the fuck are you gonna explain a fire suddenly breaking loose exactly?" he asked raising his brow waiting for them to explain their thought process. "Well you see, when we got access to the bathroom the chief apparently didn't know there was a lighter in one of the drawers," Kook spoke as he got up from his seat walking back to the cell.

After a few minutes passed he came back to the cafeteria holding a silver lighter in hand, "So when we start the fire once everything is done and burned they'll find it in the ashes or whatever and by the time they do we'll be long gone" he explained setting the lighter on the table. "Uh-huh got it" Baek gave a small nod internally questioning why he was helping. "That gives us time to set everything up then" Kook stood up from the table again picking up the bag carrying it to the cell.

Tae got up following him to the cell to help with the preparations, "So do we have to set them up like actual people or just throw them somewhere?" he asked Kook sitting on their bed watching Kook open the bag setting the remains on the concrete floor. "Make a body kinda form, we're gonna add gasoline so it's even larger" the younger of the two explained. Doing as he was instructed to Taehyung got up picking up some of the remains starting to position them on the floor in a believable position. He picked up the sheets on the bed starting to move them in to make the scene, "How's this?" he asked motioning for Jungkook to look at what he'd done.

Looking over at the scene Jungkook smiled placing a kiss on his cheek "Perfect, good job doll" he hummed as he finished up what he was doing going to get a bottle of gasoline from the storage closet starting to outline the walls of the room with gasoline making sure they didn't accidentally spill any on themselves. After they finished setting up everything it was time for the parade to begin. Namjoon pulled up a live stream of the event on his phone as they all collectively tracked the movements of the people as they got farther and farther away from the asylum.

"Doll go get the lighter for me, it's time for us to leave" Jungkook bit down on his bottom lip excited to set the place up in flames. Tae got up running to get the lighter from the table, he walked back to Jungkook handing him the lighter watching closely but far away enough that he wouldn't be in the way. "Our time here was fun, but I'm damn sure not gonna miss any of these fuckers, or this damn cell" Jungkook tsked before flipping the cap of the lighter throwing it into the cell room.

He grabbed Taehyung's hand running with him back to the cafeteria "No time to fucking talk let's move" he said to the others as they rushed down the hallways to the exit door. Once they were out they ran a few blocks from the asylum to the cars Namjoon has lined up for them, Jungkook flashes a quick smirk looking over at Namjoon. "Thanks for the help," he said as Joon tossed him a set of keys and a cell phone. "Don't mention it, that's what friends are for" Joon hummed getting into his car with Jin and Hoseok. Kook and Tae did the same as Baek got into his own car, they followed the direction Joon drove in, looking back at the burning building once more.

Tae looked over at Jungkook and flashed a boxy smile before he let out a deep breath he hadn't realized he was holding in. "To new beginnings?" he questioned as Jungkook chuckled with a firm nod, taking his hand into his. "To new beginnings doll". 

a/u: haven't updated this in a while but I was looking over old fanfics I had written with my bf and we read this one and it kinda made me wanna actually finish it so here's a new chapter, can't promise I'll update tomorrow but I do know it'll be this week again because I'm really passionate about finishing this now :).

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