A quick side note real quick, I just wanted to say a big thank you to the people who have been hyping me up behind the scenes. So a BIG, BIG thank you to Olivia, Sami, and many more of my lovely friends, who have been the first people to read each chapter! I love you guys and thanks for your support on this! <3
I woke up in a good mood that morning. I was able to sleep in and even woke up before Hermione. I walked into the bathroom and started brushing my hair. I was putting my hair up and as I moved my hands down my hand brushed against my face. It reminded me of what happened. I smiled to myself thinking of the amazing conversation we had last night, and the jokes he made. Those damn jokes. His smile too, the way the corner of his right lip moved up when he smirked. God, it made me want to run and tell Ginny and Mione about it. That's when it hit me. "WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST DO? I kissed Ginny's brother. Oh hell, what have I done."
"Good morning," Ginny said as she walked into the bathroom. "Stay calm and no one will know. Remember what George said. No one has to know." I told myself. "Good morning," I replied calmly. "You and Mione sure were having fun last night, sorry to be a fun sucker," she told me. That's what Ron has nicknamed Filtch, fun sucker. He was a fun sucker. All the students tried to avoid him. Who wouldn't? He always had to complain about something. Hell, one time Ginny's socks were too high and he went straight to McGonagll. "What got you to sleep last night?" she asked. "Your brother." I thought instantly, but quickly responded with "Reading Newt's book." I paused, "You would love it if you cared to read it."
"I did read part of the first one-" she started, but I interrupted with "No you didn't, you just looked at the enchanted picture on the back wondering if he was hitched or not," I teased. "THAT IS UNFAIR," she laughed, "He has nice eyes."
"You know what else is nice about him? THE BOOK HE WROTE," I teased back. "That was uncalled for," she stated as we walked out of the bathroom. "DID I SLEEP IN?" Mione gasped as she grabbed her clock. "Relax, you guys have 30 minutes until potions," Ginny told her. Ginny wasn't in AP Potions with me and Mione. We would always see her walking in as our class left though. She had Protection of Magical Creatures with Quirrell. "Yeah, but we have to walk down to the dungeons, and rush up for the morning meal," Hermione gasped, "I didn't press my robe either, ah shit."
"Mione, no one's gonna care that you have a couple of wrinkles in your robe, hell no one would even notice," Ginny reassured her, "Unless you and old Cedric sit at the same potions table again," she teased. "Shut up," Hermione blushed, "I'm not sitting with Cedric this year, I'm sitting with Angelina." Ah, Angelina. Now that's an interesting story. She and Fred had this on and off for about a year but it was never really clarified. Her mum owns Honeydukes, in Hogsmeade and she always sneaks in extra chocolate in my bag, whenever I and my friends go. Not gonna lie I think the only reason she did that was so I would tell my Father nice things about her. I think she is sweet on him, anyways going back.
"You're lucky Mione, you got a decent partner," I complained. "Why? Who do you have?" Ginny asked as she put on her socks. "Your brother," I stated.
"Which one? There's a lot of us."
"George," I said blatantly. "Well then you're in luck, he passes with high grades every year. It's Fred that you don't want to be paired with." she paused looking up at me. "I've got it worse, I'm partnered with Draco." Ah yes, the blonde walking ass hat with terrible daddy issues. "Good luck with that." Hermione told her, "I can't stand him, imagine having to be paired up with him for an entire year." Ginny looked down at her shoes and didn't reply. Ginny hated Draco. She would normally use any chance she got to make fun of him. She must have not heard what Hermione had just said. I didn't think anything of it at the time, seeing as me and Hermione were soon out the door and headed to the dungeons.
Snape was in a rough mood that morning. I could tell by the way he flung his cape at me when I walked in the door. Ah, what a wonderful way for me to start my day. That morning we weren't gonna be brewing anything, but just answering Snape's questions and listening to one of his lectures. "I will be reviewing your notes before you leave and the table that disappoints me the most will have the honor of cleaning up after my final class." "Aw how generous of him," I thought. The class went by pretty quickly until Snape started his lecture on how most plants in the muggle world have magical properties and I could feel myself dozing off. "Wake up," George whispered to me, "Are you asking to clean this room?"
"I can't help it, I just don't care about what he's talking about," I replied, rubbing my eyes.
"Miss Black, would you care to say that louder so the rest of us can hear?" Snape bellowed as he stared at me. "Ah shit, I blew it."
"Sorry Professor," I apologized, looking back up at his table. "Well then, your table can have the honor of cleaning my classroom this evening. Your all dismissed." I was almost out the door when Snape called me and George back into the room. "I expect you to be here as soon as the 6:30 class ends. Do you understand? Or should I spell it out for you on a parchment?" he hissed. "Yes sir," George said. "Good, you're dismissed," Snape told us as he slammed the door in our faces. "Oh lovely Lennon, you pissed him off. Now we have to clean up after the second year." George groaned as we turned to walk down the hall. "I didn't mean to." I defended, "And besides, he gets mad easily, anyone could have done something."
We walked down the hall in silence until George spoke up, "So did you tell Ginny?" he smirked looking down at me. I didn't want to answer but what came out of my mouth said otherwise.
"Good," he said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me into a side room. Hogwarts had a lot of those. Hidden rooms, secret passages. The whole lot. In our first year, Ginny and I had gotten lost and wound up outside on the far side of the castle. Turns out we had walked down the wrong hallway. "What are you-" I was interrupted by George pulling me into him kissing me once again, as he shut the door behind us. He wrapped his arms around my back and his hands held me closer to him. That's when I did something unexpected, I kissed him back. I moved my arms around his neck and pulled him into me. That must have shocked him because I could feel him smirking. His tongue grazed my bottom lip as if asking for permission to come in. I opened my mouth slightly, inviting whatever he was up to. There was a wooden table at the far end of the room and George slowly directed me in that direction. "Jump," he mumbled as he lifted me onto the table. "We shouldn't do this," I muttered.
"That's what makes it more fun," he said smiling as he broke our kiss for just a second as began loosening his tie. I was reaching for mine when I heard Ginny's voice in the hallway talking.
"Mmh," I mumbled as George threw his hand over my mouth. I'm pretty sure he could see the utter fear in my eyes as we heard Ginny's voice grow louder. From inside the room, I could hear her say, "I'm not talking about this now," and the following voice replying "We'll see." I knew that voice. That was Draco Malfoy's voice. What the hell could she mean by "I'm not talking about this now." What would she and Draco even be talking about anyway? Their voices slowly faded away as George removed his hand.
I could feel myself getting extremely guilty real fast. I'm sure George could see it on my face because he tightened his tie and held out his hand helping me down.
"We can't tell Ginny," I told him, "And we can't do this anymore."
My DR -George Weasley-
FanfictionLennon Black who has always had this thing with her best friends brother decided to act upon it.