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Chan and I went to his car as we were heading toward the hotel but he stopped at a cafe "I am gonna grab my coffee do you want something?" he asked before going to the drive-through, "large black coffee" I told him when his stomach growled which made me laugh "what? that's normal human reaction" he said slightly embarrassed. Chan got in the car then headed toward a small restaurant and grabbed his phone dialling a number "hey how are you...good, good so get me 2 chawarma whit extra garlic and one Bastila" I looked at him confused.

 After some minutes the food came, he was eating but I couldn't eat as I zoned out thinking "you just ate" "don't eat" "you ate a lot today" "stop eating" when Chan called me "are you alright?" he said looking at me, his eyes had worries in them, "y...yeah I am good, I am just tired" I said trying to change the subject "eat first then we will go to the hotel" he said which made me silent 'what will I do now?' I asked myself "you need to eat, here try this" Chan said as he shoved some fries in my mouth, and he was smiling.

 it feels like he knows what I am thinking about "yeah it's good," I said as I ate my food which made me impressed since all my thought just disappeared maybe it's because Chan didn't stop talking the whole eating session and he would make sure I ate and felt comfortable which I loved but at the same time feared.

"How did you know?" I said looking at Chan's brown eyes "what?" he said grabbing a tissue "this is my order" he approached his face to mine 'too close' I thought but still, I didn't feel uncomfortable or anything I was relaxed "you really don't remember do you?" he said looking at my lips which made me slightly blush but luckily the car was so dark he lifted his hand and grabbed my chin then wiped the sauce in the tip of my lips and returned to his place leaving me there embarrassed and in my own thought.

"Here we are," he said opening the hotel room door "here is your card, good night," he said before disappearing from my sigh, I chuckled which got me surprised 'what is this feeling?' I thought before ordering a large black coffee and continuing my work.


I was heading toward the hotel buffet to have breakfast when I found Chan waiting in the cafe "what are you doing here?" he turned around to look at me, he was wearing a grey oversized hoodie whit a large coat and some grey sweatpants his under eyes were black too, "I came because you don't know the region here and we didn't want you to eat alone" he said as I left 6 feet between us which was kinda weird but I can't let him make me feel what I felt yesterday "so you guys are inviting me to breakfast" I looked at my watch "okay but I don't have a lot of time I need to meet someone" I said, he looked around "then let's eat here so you don't get late" he said looking at the hotel restaurant "what about the other..." he interrupted me by telling me that they have a practice which was weird since he just told me that they invited me to breakfast.

As we were heading toward the cafe, I saw Namjoon "Namjoon?" I said heading toward him as he hugged me, I released from his hug but he was still holding my waist "who is that?" Chan whispered to himself but as he got closer he recognized him "hey" Chan said to Namjoon glaring at him "BangChan isn't it?" RM said glaring back "yeah RM right?" RM nodded "how do you guys know each other?" RM said looking at Nari who was now in between the two 6 feet tall figures, "we work together" Nari said as Namjoon smiled "so it's for work?" Rm asked again "yeah of course" I answered back, Namjoon just sighted and smirked at BangChan "have a good day then," RM said before heading the other way.

I was sitting in silence whit Chan in front of me glaring at me "so what is this song about?" I asked because I still haven't even listened to it "I can't tell you this kind of information here" he said looking around, he was right talking about things like that in public is so dangerous, I don't even know why asked maybe it's because of how he is glaring at me and not touching his food, "okay" I just answered, "can you stop looking at me as if I killed your mom" he didn't say anything "okay what is the problem?" I asked this time putting my fork and knife on the table "nothing as I said stop being obsessed" he said getting up now from the table; he got me so mad that I didn't even have the appetite to finish my food.

"Where are you?" Noah said on the phone "therapist" then he hung up "so I need to go" I said getting up when the therapist hit me again whit the same words "try and talk to them". After some minutes Noah called me telling me to get out of the building. We were sitting in the car talking about work until we arrived at the company where they train.

I entered to find Hyunjin and Bangchan sitting on the floor "hey," Hyunjin said coming toward me to give me a hug that I accepted.

"So we already made the dance you can look at it, Hyunjin your part is the man whit a grey shirt Chan the man whit white shirt and Nari the girl," the dance choreographer said.

As I was watching and listening to the music for the first time the song was actually good the dance was so good until I realized that I will have a lot of spicy scenes, especially whit Chan.

"So?" the choreographer said waiting for our reaction, BangChan looked mad and slightly embarrassed while Hyunjin looked so happy "it's good," BangChan said smiling "okay then let's practice it" the choreographer whose name was Jack said clapping.

 I was practising the first part when I finished I sat on the floor, I was so tired since I didn't sleep last night cause I needed to revise for my exams "are you okay?" Noah said as he gave me a bottle of water "yeah I'm good" I said taking it "thanks for the hotel" I said drinking from the bottle when Noah looked at me confused "what hotel?" he asked as I looked at him more confused, "you called Chan yesterday didn't you?" I asked when he interrupted me "what is happening whit you and Chan?" he said looking at me smirking "nothing," I said "you sure? cause you guys act like if you want to kill each other but still your eyes..." Noah got interrupted whit Jack who was calling me"let's do it together," Noah said, which made me a little bit nervous and I don't even know why? I did a lot of dances whit a lot of males but something about dancing whit Chan made me super nervous.

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