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"So, what exactly are we looking for?" I asked Court.

"Well, I was thinking we can see if we can find anyone from the village. I don't think they'll have gone far, but they might've have split up. After that we can start looking into some of the supplies, we'll need."

The reasoning behind this trip was to get supplies. Seeing the people from the village is an added bonus.

It's doubtful Thorin would've agreed to this trip without us getting things to assist the shifters in their new life. We were away from the village and the comfort of the cabins spread across the forest. We must make new ones.

A new home for all of us. 

Court directed the cart throughout the city. All we have to do now is find the people in the city.

Luck happened to be on our side as we rode through the cities marking down places to go to later. While we were looking for people, we also made sure to look for places to buy supplies from later on.

I had done some people watching while leaning into Court. 

The people of the city have a certain wardrobe which made it easier to tell people apart. People of a higher class tend to wear finer clothes made of the shiny material. Some of them also have on bits of fur in their clothes.

All the lower-class people have some sort of fur cloak on. The high class have fur lined on the side but the soft velvet like material on the outside.

This one piece of information made it easier to find the people of our former village. None of them had any fur clothing, all of it would be leather, cotton, and wool. The most common winter coat would be that of wool.

After Court had stopped for us to get some lunch is when we found some people from the village.

The place Court stopped at he called a tavern is where we found some of them. He had set aside the horses and the cart before putting all our valuables on him before we went inside.

He kept one arm wrapped around me as we entered the place lit by lanterns. The smell of food and alcohol fermented the air as Court led us over to a table for, we could get some lunch and then start up on our journey again.

We were in the process of being served water when I caught the sight of a familiar wool patterned jacket.

I looked over to see a tall man, one who resembled what the guards had looked like going over to a table where three women sat eating roasted meat with cheese. They had ale at the table as well.

I didn't recognize any of them, but I wouldn't be of much use for any of that. The only people I'd recognize would be my parents. I spent most of time sheltered away. 

Court would be the one to recognize them with him being the prince.

"Court, over there." I tapped him and pointed over to where the people from the village were.

He looked over to where the people sat at the table tearing pieces of the roasted meat they had ordered and drinking.

"First people found." Court commented with a smile as he took a sip of his drink.

"What do we do now?" I asked.

"We wait for our food and then we go talk to them. Let me do the talking as well Ruby." Court told me.

I nodded.

Both Court and I kept an eye on them to make sure they weren't going to leave before our food arrived. I sipped on the water I had gotten while glancing at the table every now and then.

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