The return

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Wassup we skipping years into the future where kyoka and deku are 17 and kyoka is in Ua and deku is getting recommended by hiashi because

Hiashi is americas number 1 hero

Because he breathes fire and yes it makes sense ok

But anyway izuku went to japan again alone but was getting picked up by non other then one of his idols eraserhead

On plane

D: (wow it already has been 10 years since ive been in japan i hope nothing has changed... hope kyo still remembers me)

He fidgets with a purple guitar pick kyoka gave him before he left to america.

Couple hours later deku gets off the plane breathes in the fresh japanese air

D: nothing like home sweet japan.

As he looks for what his dad described as a homeless sleep deprived cacoon a guy in a yellow sleeping bag is sliding at deku

Once the guy reaches him he gets up and out of it like a mummy

Aizawa: so you must be izuku correct?

D: yessir nice to meet you eraserhead you changed over the years i see.

Aizawa: i guess doing night patrols really put me at work

D: yeah thatll do it

Deku chuckles while aizawa smirks already liking deku

Aizawa: well your gonna be in my class which is class 1-A they are all brats and to be honest need some help  i heard from dragon you could possibly help them because you studied quirks your whole life

D: i believe i can help as long as i know their quirk and how much they can control it

Aizawa: good i like you more then them already whip them into shape for me problem child

D: problem child? Really want me to call you cracky cause you look like a crack addict

Aizawa makes his haif float and his eyes red

Aizawa: call me that and itll be the last thing your tongue will ever say

Deku looks down with a sweat drop

D: sorry sir hehe

Timeskip to when they make it to 1-A

Aizawa: alright you failed abortions we have a new student joining us because amercias number 1 hero recommended him

A blue haired boy raises his hand and starts having erectial disfunction in his arm

Iida: sir isnt it kinda unfair that he got placed here this late in the year

Aizawa: i dont care it its late dragon recommended him and nezu agreed so he is going to be taught at this school do we have a problem you rejected sonic the hedgehog lookin like he belongs in cars the movie with those leg engies!

Iida quiets down and sits without another word

Aizawa: thats what i thought now get your ass in here problem child

Deku enters while he is getting his hair out of his face and into a man bun

Deku enters while he is getting his hair out of his face and into a man bun

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