Chapter 5

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(PROOF READ !!! Feel free to point out any errors!!)

Cyd had woken up and moved her arm and expected to find Shelby next to her. "Shelby?" Her voice croaked since she just woke up. She got up out of Shelby's bed as she heard the shower water running. The door was cracked open just a little bit as Cyd looked through the door frame only to see Shelby getting out of the shower. Oh.... Cyd backed away from the door as her face turned red. I just got out of a relationship and got broken up with. Why did my face turn red when she got out of the shower? Cyd's breath hitched and just stood against the wall and waited for Shelby to come out of the bathroom. After a little while Cyd heard the door handle rattle and saw the door open. Shelby stood there for a second. "Hey, you're up" Cyd couldn't stop looking at Shelby. It was like her heart skipped a beat and dropped to her stomach. "Uh...yeah, you weren't in bed when I woke up and got worried." Cyd looked down at her feet when she felt two fingers under her chin and two bright blue eyes piercing into her brown ones. Cyd felt weak in her knees. She just about melted, her breath hitched in her throat. So pretty. But she didn't let Shelby know that. "You don't need to be worried, I'm never leaving you" Shelby gave Cyd a small smile before heading over to her bed leaving Cyd in awe of what just happened. Don't just stand there. Right. Cyd was quick on her feet and decided to ask Shelby what they should do for the day. "What do you wanna do today?" Really? Cyd groaned to herself thinking it was a stupid question. stupid. Shelby went up to Cyd again and just held Cyd's hands in hers. "It's up to you. What do you think?" Cyd looked at their hands and looked back up at Shelby. "Can we just stay here for the day? I don't really feel like doing much, since....yesterday." Cyd let go of Shelby's hands and sat down on Shelby's bed as yesterday's events played back in her head. Cyd's phone buzzed as she had gotten a text from her girlfriend saying she needed to tell Cyd something. A tear ran down Cyd's face as Cyd brought her legs up to her chest and buried her face in her legs again. "I have to break up with you, plus I can't do long distance. It's way to hard. I hope we can still be friends" Cyd's heart just about shattered into pieces all over again. Cyd lifted her head and put her chin on her knees. Shelby moved over to Cyd and brought her legs down as she put a hand on Cyd's face. Cyd closed her eyes and sighed contently and leaned into Shelby's touch. It was Shelby's turn to just melt at the sight. Shelby's heart fluttered. Cyd looked at Shelby. Cyd could have sworn for a split second she saw a glimpse of adoration in Shelby's eyes. Maybe my eyes are just playing tricks on me. She would never feel the same way. Wait. What am I talking about? Idiot. Cyd moved away from Shelby and looked away. "What's wrong? Did I do something?" Shelby was worried. Cyd looked at Shelby and gave a small smile to her to reassure her just the slightest that she was okay. You know you're not, you're broken. Cyd just sighed again as she felt her heart sink to her stomach. "No, you didn't do anything wrong. It's me." Cyd didn't realize she was crying until a tear hit her sleeve. She lifted her hand up to her face and tried to wipe away her tears. But Cyd couldn't stop them from falling. They just kept coming. Shelby just moved closer to Cyd and put her chin on Cyd's shoulder. "Oh Cyd" Cyd shuffled and moved into a position where she had her head in Shelby's lap. Cyd cried until there were no more tears left to cry. Shelby just rubbed Cyd's back until Cyd fell back to sleep. Shelby brushed Cyd's hair out of Cyd's face and watched Cyd's chest rise and fall.

Hey! I'm so sorry I didn't update chapter give you guys chapter 5! It's here now! I had two different endings but I liked this one better. I'm not so sure when I'll start writing chapter 6 but there will be more chapters. It's just I've been really super busy and my mental health hasn't been the greatest and I've just been struggling lately. I mean everyone deserves a break right? But again there will be more chapters I just need to find the right time to start writing the other chapters. I love you all so much. I hope you're staying safe and happy and healthy. <3 always drink water!! I hope your summer break started out wonderful, mine starts in 8 days!! If your summer hasn't started yet, me and you can wait together right? <3 ❤️❤️ I love you! Muah!

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2022 ⏰

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