Alike {Akashi Seijurō}

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"Meow~" 'I wish I could be adopted by a pretty girl like Shintarocchi~' The yellow furred cat, Ryouta, mewed dreamily.

"Mrow.. Meow." 'That's already obvious.. Shut up.' A panther-looking cat, Daiki, replied grumpily. He stretched his whole body, walked to Ryouta, and bonked his head with his paw.

"MEOW!!" 'DAIKICCHI!!! WHY?!?!?' Ryouta cried. The two of them kept on being noisy, and they didn't notice an irritated aura coming off from the leader of the group, Seijurō.

"Mew." 'Please calm down, Seijurō-kun.' Tetsuya appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, beside Seijurō (who was on the verge of scratching the yellow and blue cat duo with his claws).

The crimson red cat* face-pawed. As much as he'd like to leave this group of cats, he had a very precious attachment to them. So precious that when he gets adopted, he'd still check on them at least thrice a week to see how they were doing. Yes, 'when'.

He felt like he was being watched and looked around, seeing a girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair and (e/c) irises. Seijurō was prepared if ever the human tried to hurt him and his group. Once, he even sent a man to a nearby hospital for trying to take the group to the pound.


Anyway, the girl walked closer to them and stopped only to crouch down to look at them closer.

"........I-is that cat's fur light blue?" She questioned. She reached her hand out to try and pet Tetsuya's head, but she felt a piercing glare directed towards her and stopped.

Daiki, Ryouta, and Seijurō were all glaring at the poor girl. She even felt shivers going down her spine as they glared darkly at her.

Daiki even had lightning streaks coming out of his eyes...

"EEK!" She quickly retracted her hand and fell down on her butt.

Tetsuya stared at the three other cats, "Mew meow." 'If you guys keep on acting like that, I don't think I'll get adopted...' He had an emotionless face on, but the three cats knew that Tetsuya was very irritated.

They looked sorry and each meowed their own apologies.

On the other hand, the girl stared at the crimson red cat in interest. "Mr. Cat, you have really pretty eyes." She commented, hugging her knees to her chest.

"Meow? Mreow..." 'Mr. Cat? That's pretty childlike...' Daiki commented in response.

"Meow!" 'I think it's cute!' Ryouta exclaimewed (//shot).

Seijurō felt a pleasing aura coming from the girl. Much like the one his previous owner had before..**

He had decided. He was going to make that girl adopt him. Yes, 'make'.

He put on his confident face and walked up to the girl, rubbing against her leg.

"You might be scary but you're pretty cute at times.." She smiled and pat Seijurō's head.

Daiki and Ryouta were dumbfounded. They have never seen this side of Seijurō before. Tetsuya was only a little bit surprised. As expected of the Cat Emperor to have two sides to him.

The (h/c) haired girl stood up and scooped Seijurō up in her arms, walking away from the other cats.

"M-mew?? MEOW?!?!!" 'W-what?? WHO WILL LEAD US NOW?!?!!' Ryouta panicked, running in circles.

Tetsuya mentally grinned at this. I guess Seijurō has rubbed some of his personality on him, too.


"I'm home.." You sighed, letting your newly adopted cat on the floor and letting him roam around.

"Welcome back." A familiar voice greeted. Akashi stepped out of the kitchen, probably cooking something.

Once again, Akashi has broken into your house. Good thing your parents weren't home to see this.

"Akashi-kun... You know what, I'll take care of the cooking." You offered. It may not seem like it, but Akashi was a terrible cook. You remembered that Hayama and Nebuya were once hospitalized because of his cooking.

"Alri-" He stopped as he felt something tugging on his pant leg.

He glared at the cat, and the cat glared at him, "And who is this?" Akashi asked.

"That's Acatshi... I hope you don't mind me naming him after you." You chuckled and continued your way to the kitchen.

After that, it seems like Acatshi and Akashi were always fighting to get your attention. They were alike in many ways, such as appearance, personality, fondness of you...

Little did they know that they had met a long time ago. It appears that the Great Emperor could not even remember his mother's 'kitten'. They even grew up together until the incident happened and the crimson cat was kicked out of the household.

No wonder why they're so much alike.


*I almost wrote the crimson chin omg




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