Cute {Kise Ryouta} [REQUEST]

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requested by Cora-chan

senpai noticed me ;7; (also lame title tbh)

I hope you enjoy this! ^_^





The blond haired boy flinched in his seat as he heard his fangirls screaming from the outside of a little cafe he was currently hiding/sitting in. He mentally thanked himself for wearing a more clever disguise than before, which made him late for basketball practice and look like he just faced a tornado head on. Not to mention because he was late, he was scolded (read as: beaten up) by his team's captain: Kasamatsu Yukio. He shivered from the memory and adjusted his hat, sunglasses, and sleeveless vest, trying not to look outside. He rest his head on his hand, trying to avoid eye contact with anyone and instead looking at the paintings on the wall.

"Hello, sir. May I take your order?" A familiar voice called out to him. He turned to look at the source and saw-

"Ah, Kise-san, is that you?" (L/N) (F/N). "Are you hiding from your fangirls again?" She smiled, whispering loud enough so the boy in front of her could hear her and quietly enough so that the people in the cafe wouldn't realize that there was a model sitting in the same building with them.

Ryouta uickly nodded, "(L/N)cchi! You work here?" He questioned, surprised to see his classmate AND crush working in this very cafe, not to mention she looked cute in the black and white waitress uniform! The (h/c) haired girl nodded, "I have to pay my rent, y'know? Anyway, what would you like to order?" She smiled at him, ready to write on the pad of papers she carried with her.

'You.' He thought. The blond haired boy was confused to see (F/N) laughing, and he quickly realized that he said his thoughts out loud. His face quickly turned red, and he was sweating bullets out of embarrassment, "G-GAH! I-I was joking! A-ah um.." He was at a loss for words as he waved his hands in front of him hastily.

"No. I'm sorry I laughed, but that was really cute!" She tried to hold back her laughter as Ryouta's face seemingly got redder. "Maybe I can be your dessert later?" (F/N) flashed her pearly whites at him.

"R-really? I-I mean.." Ryouta cleared his throat, "Then I'll just have a cup of coffee.. and a (L/N)cchi to go." He doesn't know how he managed to say that so calmly, but he's glad he managed it. The smiling girl went off to get his order, and a few minutes later she came back with his coffee. She winked at him and went off to serve other customers.

Ryouta's face flushed a tinge of pink and he shook his head. He looked at his coffee and saw a piece of paper underneath the cup. He took it and it read:

'See you later during my break, Ryouta-kun! <3 xoxo


- your new girlfriend, (F/N)'

He almost fainted in his seat.



senpai if you don't like it i would gladly make another one!! ;w;

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