Flowers {Midorima Shintarou}

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WARNING: Ooc Takao, I guess. Also probably some bad grammar here and there..


"Today, Cancer is the luckiest of all star signs! Something good will happen to them if they keep their lucky item, a flower, with them at all times. They will most likely meet their other half!"

Midorima adjusted his glasses. Something good? Meet their other half? He sighed. He didn't believe such things as 'other halves' or 'love at first sight'. Those are impossible, unrealistic. They only exist in books, movies, and television.

Why would people still believe in them? Is it because they still have hope that they'll find their perfect lover the first time they see them? Impossible! It takes time for love to happen.

The green-haired boy sighed. Why was he wasting his time asking himself these questions? He needed to find the most perfect flower today, for it is his lucky item. It needs to be perfect. The more perfect a lucky item is, the luckier it will be.


"Takao, I need to make one stop to a certain place before we get to school -nanodayo."

"Ehh? Why would you tell me this now when we're just a few miles away from the campus?!" Said boy groaned, "C'mon, Shin-chan! You can go there later!"

"Oha Asa said that if Cancers have their lucky item for today, something good will happen to them," Midorima adjusted his glasses before continuing, "You never know what good things would come today, that's why I must make sure that those good things WILL happen to me -nanodayo."

"B-but we'll be late!"

"No we won't. Just pedal faster. Raise your pedaling cadence to 100rpm -nanodayo."


Takao ended up pedaling the rickshaw away from Shuutoku High, going to that certain place Midorima was talking about.

A floristry shop.

"So... uh.. Why do you need to be here?" The confused black haired boy scratched his head.

"Cancer's lucky item for the day is a flower."


"Be quiet." Midorima glared at him, "I have heard that this floristry shop sells the most beautiful flowers in this area -nanodayo."

"Can't you just buy one flower from the floristry shop near the campus?"

"No. The flower must be perfect. If it is perfect, the luckier it will be -nanodayo." The green haired megane explained, adjusting his glasses again.

Takao sweatdropped. Well it IS Midorima. He should have been used to his attitude by now, "Alright, alright. I got it. But how can you find the perfect flower?"

"Simple. I look at it."

"That doesn't really explain what is 'the perfect flower' at all..." Takao mumbled

"Stay here and be quiet. Don't run off somewhere -nanodayo." Midorima ordered as he went in the shop.

"I'M NOT A DOG, SHIN-CHAN!" 'So mean..' Takao sulked

In the floristry shop..

Midorima stared at the wide variety of flowers. Some in pots, baskets, and some tied up with ribbons. Red, orange, yellow... Every color of the rainbow was here.

None of them caught his attention, though.

"Can I help you?"

An unfamiliar voice asked him, making him look at the source of it.

A woman, who was about ___cm(_'_ ft) tall, was staring into his green eyes with her (e/c) ones.

She had (h/l) (h/c) hair (with a flower hairclip), (s/t) skin, and was wearing a (f/c) apron over a white t-shirt and blue jeans.

"Excuse me, sir. It's rude to stare." She smiled at him.

Midorima realized what he was doing and a faint blush rised on his cheeks, "S-sorry." He shook his head. Why was he stuttering AND blushing? This isn't some romance novel!

The woman kept her smiling face on, "Ah, it's alright. Can I help you with anything?"

"I-I'm looking for a flower.." Midorima mentally facepalmed at himself. Really? Couldn't he be more specific?

"What kind?"

"A beautiful one."

"There are plenty of beautiful flowers here." She pointed at the surroundings, "But in my opinion, I think sunflowers are the prettiest." She sighed dreamily, "They look so bright and cheerful.. Sunflowers are my favorite type of flower."

"I see.."

"Ah! Sorry! I got carried away and babbled on and on about myself." The (h/c) haired woman apologized while bowing.

"No. It's okay." Midorima reassured, "I-I think.. I'll take a sunflower -nanodayo.." Why am I acting this way?' He thought.

The woman looked up and beamed at Midorima, "Really!?" She took his hands into hers, "Please take good care of it!" She ran off somewhere in the shop, coming back with one sunflower.

"How much do I need to pay for it -nanodayo?"

"Only 90¥." The woman said, giving the sunflower to the green haired boy.

Midorima took 90¥ out of his wallet and gave it to the woman.

"Thank you for shopping here, sir!" She bowed.

"Midorima Shintarou."


"My name."

"Oh.. Well, thank you, Midorima-kun!" She hugged him, "I'm (L/N) (F/N). Please come by again!" The woman let go of him, her smile never going away.

"I-I w-will!" 'Stop stuttering, Shintarou!' Midorima mentally slapped himself as he blushed furiously.

Midorima walked out of the floristry shop, still blushing from the incident where a beautiful woman hugged him. Wait... Did he just call her beautiful!? Was he- Oh no.. That can't be-

"Hehe.. Shin-chan, you look like a ripe tomato!" After saying that, Takao burst out laughing, not caring that they're going to be late for school.

"BAKAO!! SHUT UP!" Midorima yelled at the laughing boy, careful not to snap the sunflower into two.

"By the way," (L/N) peeked out of the shop, "Aren't you two going to be late for school? It usually starts about.. 5 minutes from now. At least back in my school days."

Takao and Midorima stopped to look at the older woman, "WAAHH!! SHIN-CHAN, SHE'S RIGHT!" Takao hurriedly hopped on the bicycle, "WE NEED TO HURRY!"

"TAKAO, YOU DON'T NEED TO SAY THE OBVIOUS -NANODAYO!" Midorima yelled at him, getting on the rickshaw, "NOW GO!"

"BYE MISS! THANKS FOR NOT GETTING ANGRY AT THIS BROCCOLI HEAD!" Takao waved at the (h/c) woman and pedaled at the direction of their school.


As they went out of sight, (L/N) burst out giggling, "Ah, high schoolers never fail to be cute." She said as she walked back inside the shop.



A/N: Too much Midorima for the soul.. I guess. PS: Reader-chan is 20 years old, 4 years older than Midorima. (Bonus points: He likes older women!)

I don't own Kuroko no Basket. It belongs to Tadatoshi Fujimaki.

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