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'' mr.jung ,, please wait ,, dr.kim is busy at the moment '' hoseok pouted '' of course – mrs.nurse '' hoseok smiled and waved a bye to the nurse ,, awkward ,, this behavior wasn't pretty normal in the clinic.

yoongi was looking over at the bubble of joy walking around waving to everyone ,, his heart started to fasten it's pace.

The beauty sat beside yoongi ,, yoongi tried his best not to meet his eyes with the beauty ,, and fiddled with his notepad and pen.

The beauty beside him mumbled

'' hello there '' yoongi gulped and looked at him and waved.

the other was taken back for a moment but spoke '' what are you here for– and what's your name?''

Yoongi gasped for a moment and wrote down on his notepad as his hands shook from the nervousness running through his body.

Hoseok reads the note-

'' min yoongi–? Oh that's a pretty name ,, and non verbal? '' he hummed '' thats amazing ,i respect your choice, i am Hoseok , jung hoseok '' hoseok smiles

'' i am here for my therapy as well ,, uhh...not really interested in talking about what ,, but i am interested in you,, surely ''

Hoseok gave a wink to yoongi and before yoongi got up and bowed with a red face hoseok shook his hand, but as it was yoongi's session now-so he rushed into Dr.kim's office.


'' thank you yoongi ,, see you next time lad '' hoseok got up and smiled at yoongi who was heading out of the office

'' hope i see you  soon too yoongi ! "
hoseok smiled and waved a bye to yoongi who just stared in awe.


'' yoongi ,, how was today? '' a sweet voice called out " had fun at the therapist? " Yoongi shrugged and sat down on the couch as his mother sat down with him

'' something is new today '' she hummed '' you sat on the couch ,, you usually sprint to your bedroom.'' she squints her eyes and observes yoongi '' what's up ,, what do you want to tell me ''

yoongi giggled a little and smiled,, as soon as it hit his mother ,, she gasped '' who is this pretty lady? '' yoongi's smile dropped and hers as well '' oh..'' she smiled again taking yoongi's hand 

'' who is this beautiful man you're happy about huh? ''

yoongi took time to process it ,, his eyes filled with tears as he makes a small 'eek' noise as he wrote down his experience about the beautiful male
he saw at his session today.


'' you seem quite happy today jung " hoseok nods
'' tell me about it seok. ''

hoseok smiles '' oh well today ,, i–i gave out 12 flowers ,, and and my volunteering at the kindergarten was amazing '' he smiled at the thought of little kids

'' the kids loved me and–and i got a few oranges from this old granny i helped today ''

Hoseok wiggled his ears ,, strange ,, only a few % of people can do that ,, hoseok was one of them ,, and he used to move his ears whenever he felt happy ,, comfortable ,, or whenever he tried to calm himself down.

he smiles and he continued '' and i have out six hugs? ,, Yeah six hugs! '' hoseok's voice softened '' and i–i think i made a friend! '' the therapist frowned '' really? '' hoseok nods '' yessir! "

the therapist smiled ,, hoseok was progressive ,, he was progressing alot.

'' what's their name? ''

hoseok looked at the small note in his hands and smiled

'' min yoongi! "

NON-VERBAL | SOPE , YOONSEOKWhere stories live. Discover now